Fairfield Public Schools Revised Elementary Progress Reports
Why a New Progress Report? Align with new elementary curricula Understand a child’s development across time Design opportunities for differentiated instruction in the classroom Inform how parents can help at home
The Biggest Change A Report Card…a mark given in each content area vs. A Progress Report…identifies how a student is progressing in various areas of the curriculum
The Current 3rd Grade Report Card
The Revised 3rd Grade Progress Report …the following two slides
Student Progress Report Fairfield Public Schools Art 1 2 3 Combines lines, shapes, forms, textures, and colors to communicate original ideas Identifies and creates spatial relationships Follows directions and makes independent choices in order to complete art work Music Sings with proper vocal technique Plays rhythmic patterns Reads standard music notation Demonstrates responsible behavior and participates cooperatively Physical Education Applies motor skills while participating in a physical activity Applies strategies and movement concepts while participating in a physical activity Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings Student Progress Report Student: ____________________________________________ Teacher: ____________________ Grade Level: _____3____ School: ____________________ School Year: __________ The purpose of the elementary report card is to provide a comprehensive picture of your child’s achievement according to grade level standards. Ongoing communication between home and school is essential to support the progress and success of your child. Work Habits/Social Skills + Exemplary Appropriate - Needs Improvement Work Habits 1 2 3 Listens attentively Follows directions Uses time productively Completes class assignments on time Completes homework on time Participates in class discussions Organizes working environment Checks work for neatness and accuracy Works independently Social Skills Practices self-control Cooperates with others Expresses needs and feelings appropriately Respects others Accepts responsibility for personal behavior Comments (second marking period only): If your child has a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Plan, accommodations may have been implemented to support progress toward the standards represented in this progress report. Attendance 1 2 3 Total Days Absent Days Tardy Days Dismissed Early
E Exceeds Grade Level Expectations M Meets Grade Level Expectations P Progressing Toward Grade Level Expectations N Does Not Meet Grade Level Expectations Effort + Exemplary Appropriate - Needs Improvement Mathematics 1 2 3 Adds and subtracts numbers fluently within 100 Multiplies and divides numbers fluently within 100 Generalizes place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers to 1,000 Applies properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide Understands a fraction is equal parts of a whole Solves problems using measurement and estimation Reasons with shapes and their attributes Constructs viable arguments and justifies reasoning within problem solving Effort Science Understands scientific concepts, facts, principles and methods Observes, questions and problem solves using appropriate vocabulary Records, interprets and communicates scientific data Social Studies Analyzes how geography impacts the way people live Compares and contrasts the unique needs, practices and beliefs of various cultures around the world Health Identifies health enhancing concepts and skills Information, Communication and Technology Integrates information from multiple sources to publish and present a final product using a variety of technology Reading 1 2 3 Demonstrates ability to use conversation to build big ideas Maintains interest and focus for an increasing length of time during reading Engages with text by constructing personal meaning and/or making connections (i.e. orally and in writing) Read with sufficient accuracy, monitoring and fluency to support comprehension Demonstrates understanding of key details in a text Explain how the character’s actions contribute to the sequence of events Distinguish personal point of view from that of the author, narrator, or characters Demonstrates an understanding of central message or main idea and supports with key details/evidence from text Determines the meaning of words or phrases as used in text Reads text with purpose and understanding Effort Writing Generates ideas and plans for writing Writing has focus and stays on topic Writes narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events Writes informational texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly Writes a response about a topic or book using evidence to support opinion With guidance and support applies editing and revising to strengthen writing Writes with stamina for various purposes and audiences (e.g. fiction, informational and poetry) Applies spelling skills to writing
Why a Standards-Based Progress Report? Lists the most important content and skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level Based on the Fairfield Public Schools Curriculum Standards, which are aligned with the Connecticut State Curriculum Standards Designed to more clearly inform parents about their child’s progress towards achieving Fairfield’s content and performance standards
Attendance now includes “Days Dismissed Early” What Else is Different? Attendance now includes “Days Dismissed Early” Attendance 1 2 3 Total Days Absent Days Tardy Days Dismissed Early
What Else is Different? “Work Habits” and “Social Skills” newly revised Current Revised Work Habits 1 2 3 Listens attentively Follows directions Uses time productively Completes class assignments on time Completes homework on time Participates in class discussions Organizes working environment Checks work for neatness and accuracy Works independently Social Skills Practices self-control Cooperates with others Expresses needs and feelings appropriately Respects others Accepts responsibility for personal behavior
What Else is Different? Curriculum Standards Marking Criteria: Current Revised (Teachers will use a common rubric for scoring) Work Habits, Social Skills and Effort Marking Criteria: E Exceeds Grade Level Expectations M Meets Grade Level Expectations P Progressing Toward Grade Level Expectations N Does Not Meet Grade Level Expectations + Exemplary Appropriate - Needs Improvement
What Else is Different? Kindergarten will have three marking periods next year (rather than two) and will follow the same schedule for reporting as grades 1-5. Comments will be made in the second marking period (rather than the first). Health will be reported in all grades (rather than just fourth and fifth). Standards for reporting have been added in the area of Information, Communication and Technology. An effort grade is reported in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Effort related standards are embedded in Art, Music and Physical Education.
Review & Feedback Visit Fairfield Public Schools website to review K-5 revised progress reports Take the survey to provide feedback Attend Progress Report Parent Meeting All Sessions will be held at 9:30 a.m. April 27 at Dwight Elementary April 30 at Riverfield Elementary May 2 at Stratfield Elementary