CHURCH A CHURCH B cold joyful indifferent interested critical supportive reflective impactful with on the gospel the gospel “bless me” “bless others”
This difference shows! It is noticed by newer people within the congregation. It is noticed by folks in the community.
Romans 12:5-8 One body individual members belong to one another d) Different gifts e) God’s grace/choice/enabling
PROPHECY (preach, inspire) Do it with faith! Have no fear! SERVING (aid, help out) Get in there! Volunteer! TEACHING (instruct, mentor) Don’t hold back your wisdom/experience! ENCOURAGING (counsel, prayer) Pay attention! Take initiative! GIVING (financial contribution) Be generous! Make it happen! LEADERSHIP (decisions, vision) Take it seriously! Be bold! COMPASSION (mercy, forgiveness) No complaining! Do it with cheer! SPECTATOR (observation, watching) Just show up! Do nothing!
That last one isn’t on the list! WOOPS! That last one isn’t on the list!
CHURCH A Members are self serving … filled with demands and expectations Leaders must be skilled in dentistry (pull teeth to produce service!)
CHURCH B Members are self sacrificing … desire to impact others, especially new or immature Leaders are like electricians (making connections … live wire > potential)
? Which church would you like to be part of? ? Which church are we (Otterbein)? *Each one of us are part of the answer to that question!
MATTHEW 20:20-28
MOTHER … “My two sons. (Whiner and Complainer) MOTHER … “My two sons (Whiner and Complainer) want the best seats in the house!” i.e. (Isn’t that what your Kingdom is about … best life, easiest life, most successful life?)
JESUS … “You don’t get it. My. Kingdom is a cup to JESUS … “You don’t get it. My Kingdom is a cup to drink not a crown to wear.”
BOYS … “Hey. If they get the. best seats, that means BOYS … “Hey! If they get the best seats, that means we’ll have to sit in the balcony. No way!” (fight or leave … indignant!)
JESUS … “Listen up. Politics, business,. sports, etc JESUS … “Listen up! Politics, business, sports, etc. are known for selfish competition and struggles for authority. But my Kingdom is exactly opposite. GOD DEFINES GREATNESS AS SERVICE. Humility and sacrifice (for the sake of helping others) is true greatness. For example, CONSIDER ME. I did not come down here to be served but to serve …”
We WORSHIP God by attending/participating in a service of holy worship We SERVE God by using talents/time/treasure to bless other humans
The HEART of WORSHIP is attitude … humble and thankful to God The HEART of SERVICE is action … working for and working with people
My church flounders when I watch/speculate (observe) My church flourishes when I work/participate (serve)
Philippians 2 1-2) You are united with Christ and must have unity of spirit and purpose with one another 3-4) Consider your own desires less important and your brother’s needs more important 5-8) Look at Jesus! He could have hung on to every perk in the universe …reduced himself down … in order to SAVE, HELP, and BLESS US. Be like that!
We witness because we believe (the gospel) We witness when we speak (explanation, invitation, motivation)
When we invite unchurched people to church, we are inviting them into a connection with Christ and into the community of Christ.