A stronger Europe for a better world Connecting Innovation To People SINTRA – 07/10/23
The Third Portuguese Presidency of the EU 1992 A new step to deepen the internal market and modernize the agricultural policy 2000 A new agenda to face globalization 2007 A new practice to connect innovation to people 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Europe Faces New Challenges To Deal with Globalization 2000 – Growth – Focus on Knowledge European Commitment 2005 – Stagnation – Focus on Growth and Jobs European and National Commitment 2007 - New Cycle – Focus on Innovation Global, European, National and Individual Commitment 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Lisbon Strategy as an inspiring experience: More Growth, through knowledge and innovation Sustainable Employment with better qualifications Macroeconomic Stability in an open and better regulated market Portugal brings lessons from your own effort to deal with a huge need of change, and from the National Reform Programmes evaluation , to define an ambitious agenda 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Our National Agenda: A strengthened scientific and technological base Promoting the cooperation and development of national and international networks and increasing the public and private investment in R&D. A better organised competitive base Promoting “poles of competitiveness and technology” to strengthen the link between researchers and entrepreneurs, working with international ambition A modern public administration Using new technologies and processes to make public services more efficient and accessible, developing the online public services and simpler official documents A favourable environment for business Reducing bureaucracy and adapting public policy instruments to the needs of companies and entrepreneurs A qualified population Upgrading the qualifications of the active population through lifelong learning and improving the initial training and education 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Some impressive results: A strengthened scientific and technological base Partnerships with MIT, Harvard, Austin, CMU, Fraunhofer, Lausanne, Portugal/Spain Research Institute, New Universitary system model, International recruitment of researchers A better organised competitive base Two digits increase in exports – Better performance within EU creating qualified jobs - 7th position within OECD attracting FDI ( Mainly in qualified services) A modern public administration European Top Reformer – availability of public services on-line – Simplex – Restructuring process – performance evaluation – deficit control A favourable environment for business New on-line simplified system to deal with entrepreneurial information –enterprise and brand in one hour – Innovation offices network A qualified population More than 250 000 workers upgrading knowledge and skills, new technological equipments at school, English for all, teachers training, computers for all. 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Portuguese Presidency – Dealing with the critical triangle Economy Treaty External Policy A globalised and competitive economy A more flexible and efficient institutional framework Developing the capacity of EU to be a global economic player 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Portuguese Presidency – Delivering the critical triangle Economy Treaty External Policy Lisbon Agenda New Cycle ( First steps) Institutional Treaty Better links with all players (specially with BRICS and Africa) 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Launching a new cycle for Lisbon Strategy Working closely with the Commission, the Slovenian Presidency and the Lisbon Coordinators Network New priorities – Knowledge triangle, Climate Change, Better Enterprises, Better Jobs and Better Skills, Strategic Cooperation Better governance, Deeper impact, Faster deployment Achieving results to prepare the Lisbon Agenda 2.1 and 3.0 Enforcing networks and partnerships … Connecting innovation to people 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
And launching also a new cycle for European Development Taking profit of cultural similarities, convergent approaches and long tradition on win / win entrepreneurial cooperation Giving more visibility to several success stories Running together to built a better world … Connecting innovation to people And discovering new ways to increase growth and jobs with social and environmental sustainability 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People
Connecting Innovation to People www.cnel.gov.pt www.planotecnologico.pt www.estrategiadelisboa.pt 23 de Outubro de 2007 Connecting Innovation to People