Boethius Review Mr. DeZilva January 10th, 2014.
Boethius (Omniscience & Eternity) In Book V of Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius has a conversation with Lady Philosophy God’s timeline is “all in one” – no past present or future. BUT, is able to understand our daily occurrences completely, as they happen, but does not limit our free will
Important Concepts Important Concepts & Themes Boethius’s mistake: God can see things in a different way from the way in which we see them because humans exists within time, God does not have the same time constraints we do. Because humans exist within time; our pasts have happened, a present that is gone in an instant and futures which are uncertain. This uncertain future means that humans have free choice. God’s “One Glance” Understanding God is timeless, and while God can see our past, present and future – he has perfect knowledge of what we will do. In Advance All events occur simultaneously in God’s eternal presence, therefore there is no “in advance” and it makes no sense to talk about what God will know in the future (or has in the past)
Philosophical Problems If God knew the future, then he is wrong to reward us or punish us for our behavior Yet the Bible teaches about divine reward and punishment very clearly How can God know something that hasn’t happened yet and is uncertain? And if he does know then it makes the act inevitable and void of any moral conduct. Thus, making reward/punishment unfair. Is God responsible for things that we do if he is all knowing and knows the act we will do? And if he does know and it is unchangeable, then what is the point of asking God for change via Prayer?