English 10 – Period 7 - Tues, Nov. 14 Due TODAY Complete No Red Ink assessment Complete 3-4 CNN Everyday Hero notetaking sheets IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – Did you Remind text? Check the agenda? PICK UP: items as needed
Before Lunch MUG Shots Grammar Activity - Sentence #6B No Red Ink IF DID NOT - Complete Diagnostic Assessment CNN 2017 Everyday Hero – Essay Prewrite Access CNN Everyday Heroes link (English 10 Docs) Continue reading 2017 profiles (at least 7-10) Narrow down to FIVE preferred hero choices Continue - notetaking sheets
After Lunch No Red Ink IF DID NOT - Complete Diagnostic Assessment CNN 2017 Everyday Hero – Essay Prewrite Access CNN Everyday Heroes link (English 10 Docs) Continue reading profiles (at least 7-10) / Narrow down to FIVE Finish ALL FIVE notetaking sheets (due at start of next class/may submit today) Common Lit Article – War and Peace Complete online reading/response IF FINISH – Annotate paper copy/Begin notes on your question
HW for Thurs, Nov. 16 No Red Ink - overdue CNN 2017 Everyday Heroes Prewrite FINISH ALL 5 Note Taking Sheets (will be graded) Common Lit Online Article Finish article No Red Ink - overdue
MUG Shots Directions ONE SUBJECT NOTEBOOK for MUG SHOTS/grammar – leave in class if needed INCLUDE date and number of MUG Shot COPY IN PEN; make corrections in PENCIL ANNOTATE sentence with notes to enhance understanding of grammar rules SKIP a line or two between sentences (no more)
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors