HOW TO LOG IN AT OWNERS.ORG TO: Access Member Benefits Card Reset Password
Navigate to and click on the red “Member Login” button. Step 1 Navigate to and click on the red “Member Login” button.
Step 2 If you know your password: Enter your password along with your e-mail address and click on “Log In” Proceed to Step 6 If you don’t know your password: Select “Click here if you are a new user or you forgot your password” if: you are a new user and do not have a password (i.e. you have never logged in), you have forgotten your password, or your password is not working. Proceed to Step 3
Step 3 Enter your email address and click on “Send Email to Reset Password” Next, go to your email and look in your inbox for a message with the subject “Forgot Password from Owners Association – Community Hub” Check your spam/junk folder if you do not see this email in your inbox. Note: If you do not see a reset password email in your inbox or spam/junk folder, please contact the IHG OA Office for further assistance.
Step 4 Open the email, and click “here” to create a new password
Step 5 Enter a new password and hit Submit. You are now logged in to your account. Note: The Association is no longer able to reset passwords for users, so please record your password in a secure place. If you forget your password, you will need to repeat these steps to reset it.
Step 6 Once logged in, click on the "View Membership Card” icon in the Membership Information section.
Questions? Contact our Membership Team below General Membership or (001) 770.604.5555, option 1 Anjula Pandya or 770.604.5097 Miki Argiriou or 770.604.2318 Teresa Sanchez or (Mexico, Caribbean and Latin America Only) Carly Hunt or 00 44 1895 512 289 (Europe Only)