Beamed Core Antimatter Propulsion Experiment (BCAP) Presented by: Jonathan A. Webb For: Spectrum Astro Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Unclassified
Outline Fuel/energy source Concepts Applications Current research Unclassified
Fuel/Energy Source Propulsion is energy Chemical energy produces 107 J/kg Fission produces 1012 J/kg Fusion produces 1014 J/kg Antimatter produces 9.00 x 1016 J/kg Unclassified
Fuel/Energy Source Electron-positron annihilation produces 2 511 KeV photons isotropically, ejected at random angles. Perfectly obeys equation E=mc2+pc Unclassified
Energy-Thrust Conversion High cosine avg. Absorbing Isp = 9.75 x 106 s Reflecting Isp = 3.06 x 107s Unclassified
Velocity Profile Unclassified
Far Term Missions Unclassified
Near Term Missions Unclassified
Current Research Pulsed test of the absorbing shield concept Monte Carlo sim. for absorbing shield efficiency Shield construction Test stand construction Positron production Positron storage Unclassified
Questions Unclassified