National Nutrition Standards Update October 25, 2007 School Nutrition Association of Virginia 2007 Supervisor/Industry Conference
Overview Background and Rationale – Why? Internal SNA Task Force Recommendations External Legislative Update
Overview Why National Nutrition Standards?
Why: Issue Chronology 1977 – P.L 95-166: Congress amends law to stipulate that the sale of competitive foods is subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1979 – USDA proposes restricting ‘Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value’ anywhere in school until after last lunch. 1983 – U.S. Court of Appeals overturns “time and place” portions of the rule: USDA policy “in excess of statutory jurisdiction,” exceeds Congressional intent. 1994 – P.L. 103-448: School Meal Pattern Must Follow Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Why: Issue Chronology 2004 – P.L. 108-265: Local Wellness Policies Required 2006 – Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act Introduced (S. 2592/H.R. 5167) 2006 – 27 States with School Nutrition Standards 15,000 School District Wellness Policies Adopted 2007 - Farm Bill
Why: The State of Play Federal FMNV standards only apply within the cafeteria during meal times. SNA members identified the need for a level playing field in the school environment to ensure the reimbursable meals are not the only foods and beverages subject to nutrition standards. Wellness policies have begun to address.
Why: The State of Play 27 states have adopted different nutrition standards. 15,000 local wellness policies have been approved many of which include nutrition standards. There is a patchwork quilt of standards now that are not necessarily science based and send an inconsistent message to students. Increasingly states are including new nutrition requirements for reimbursable meals that are not necessarily consistent with the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For example french fried potatoes (even baked) in Texas. Concerns about sending a consistent message to students, costs being driven up, product availability
Why: SNA Member Mandate Jan. 2006: CNIC issued raised to SNA Board Feb. 2006: SNA leaders meets with USDA officials Mar. 2006: LAC Town Hall meeting - consensus April 2006: NLC Mega-Issue discussion - consensus April – Dec 2006: 500 emails to Congress on time/place Jan. 2007: CNIC Industry Mega-Issue discussion - consensus Mar. 2007: SNA National Standards Task Force created Mar. 2007: Commitment to pursue policy options Oct. 2007: Initial draft presented by Task Force
Task Force Recommendations Comments and feedback are needed Nutrition Summit January 2008
Legislative Update Pursuing Expansion of Time and Place and Uniformity of Reimbursable Meals since LAC 2007: S. 771 Farm Bill 2007: Opportunity for education and inclusion – full Senate by Nov. 16? CN Reauthorization 2009: Laying Groundwork
Other Pieces The ‘Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act’ was reintroduced in spring 2007 to expand ‘time and place’ and ask USDA to redefine FMNVs. In February 2007, the Committee on Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools of the Institute of Medicine released recommended national nutrition standards for competitive foods. In winter 2008 or later, USDA should issue updated school meal pattern guidelines reflecting the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 1. SNA Govt. Affairs Center: - 1 of 9 centers - 2 ½ staff (name) - Who we work with: Audiences o Internal: PPL and other SNA standing committees o External: Congress, USDA/agencies, allied groups and associations (FRAC, CSPI, miscellaneous) 2. History of Programs: NSLP/SBP 3. Long Range Legislative Goals: - Serves as a framework for legislative activities - PPL Driven - Serves as standing CHARGES of PPL - Member input: INDUSTRY REP. - Reviewed, expanded and edited as needed - Approved by SNA Board 2005 Issue Paper: - October Committee Days discussions begin - Written at CNIC in January 2006 - Released in Jan/Feb. in advance of LAC 2006 - Use during “CHARGE TO THE HILL” - Posted SNA Website 4. Federal/State Legislation: - Numerous bills each year; - Monitor and follow all legislation affecting CN Programs - Trends in legislation and what we are seeing 5. SNA PAC: - What it is - Function - Importance - 6. Industry Focus Issue/Topics: - Commodities (Primary) - Other
Call to Action Provide SNA Task Force Recommendations Look for SNA Action Alert to Senators in the coming weeks on specific messages