Dating Relationships and Abstinence Lesson 1 Beginning to Date
Beginning to Date Building Vocabulary commitment A pledge or a promise LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Building Vocabulary commitment A pledge or a promise affection Feelings of love for another person Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Health eSpotlight Video LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Health eSpotlight Video Watch the video and complete the questions. Explain why you think it is important to make a good “first impression.” Describe the best way to handle rejection in a dating relationship. 1. A first impression is the first thing that a person thinks or feels about you. A good first impression will make the other person want to get to know you better. A bad first impression may mean that the person does not want to get to know you. 2. It is best to move on. Most teen dating relationships end because the dating partners develop different interests. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date LESSON 1 BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Create the Foldable® pictured above. List the main ideas from this lesson under each of the appropriate tabs. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Real-Life Issues LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Real-Life Issues Your Health Inventory Open a new page in your online Notebook and add the title Beginning to Date. For each statement in the Lesson Resources panel, record your response in your online Notebook. Response choices are “Yes,” “No,” and “Sometimes.” When you finish reading the lesson, check your responses. Would you change any responses? 1. I have good friends who show support for each other when needed. 2. I know that active listening can get in the way of good communication. 3. I use refusal skills when I feel peer pressure, especially if it is negative pressure. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Changing Friendships LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Changing Friendships The teen years are a time of physical, mental/emotional, and social growth. Your body starts to develop the physical traits of an adult. You start to see the world in more complex ways. You begin to try to understand yourself and how you fit into society. You may start to develop different types of friendships. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Thinking About Dating LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Thinking About Dating Dating is a way to get to know people better. Some people feel ready to date while in their teens. Others do not feel ready to date until much later. Remind students there is no specific time when they are supposed to start dating. Those decisions should be made when talking with parents or guardians. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Group Dating Conversation Less Pressure Less Expense LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Group Dating Some advantages to going out with a group include: Conversation Less Pressure Group dating offers chances to grow and mature. You can learn how to communicate with different types of people. Going out with a group can help you learn more about activities you enjoy. It may help you discover new interests as you learn about other people. Dating in a group setting may even lead you to meet someone you would like to get to know better as an individual. Less Expense Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Individual Dating LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Individual Dating A date does not have to mean the start of a lifelong commitment. Going on a date may turn out to be the first step in making a friend. Like any other friendship, a dating relationship should be based on caring and respect. Shared Interests Good Reason for Dating Peer Pressure Bad Reason for Dating Dating is a big step that should be taken for the right reasons. New Vocabulary commitment A pledge or a promise Lesson Home
Healthful Ways to Show Affection LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Healthful Ways to Show Affection Showing affection can take many different forms. Showing affection through sexual intimacy is best postponed until adulthood and marriage. New Vocabulary Becoming sexually active during the teen years carries health risks and involves an emotional commitment that most teens are not prepared to make. affection Feelings of love for another person Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Healthful Ways to Show Affection LESSON 1 Beginning to Date BIG IDEA Your friendships become more important during adolescence. Healthful Ways to Show Affection Do something thoughtful for the other person. Show the other person you are willing to be a good friend. Holding hands and hugging are physical ways to show affection. Giving the other person a card or small gift is one way to do something thoughtful. Making it clear that you are willing to listen to the other person’s thoughts and ideas is a good way to show that you are a good friend. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date After You Read LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review After You Read Define What does the term relationships mean? Relationships are the connections you have with other people and groups in your life. Sentences will vary. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date After You Read LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review After You Read Identify Name three advantages of dating in a group? Advantages can include conversation, less pressure, and less expense. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date After You Read LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review After You Read List Name two healthful ways for teens to show affection. holding hands, giving a card or a small gift Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Thinking Critically LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Apply If you were thinking of dating someone, what characteristics might you look for in another person? You enjoy the other person’s company; you share common interests and values; the other person demonstrates caring and respect. Lesson Home
Beginning to Date Thinking Critically LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Explain Discuss some reasons why dating may not be right for everyone. Accept answers that demonstrate an understanding that teens do not have to date until they feel ready.
Beginning to Date Applying Health Skills LESSON 1 Beginning to Date Lesson 1 Review Applying Health Skills Evaluate Adam and Emily have been dating for a while. Adam is expressing that they should engage in more physical affection. What would you advise Emily to tell him? Emily could suggest that they show their affection for each other in more healthful ways, such as listening and being sympathetic, exchanging small gifts, or simply holding hands and hugging. Lesson Home
Dating Relationships and Abstinence END Lesson 1 Beginning to Date