End-user Based Network Measurement and Diagnosis Yan Chen Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) Northwestern University http://list.cs.northwestern.edu
Collaborations with Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Curriculum Award 2004 (with co-PI Andrea Matwyshyn) Interdisciplinary Trustworthy Computing Curriculum Development Trustworthy Computing Curriculum Award 2005 (with three co-PIs in NU) Integrated Modular Trustworthy Computing Curriculum Development Attended the TwC Summit on 2005 and Faculty Summit on 2006 Interested in the New Faculty Fellowship
Network Anomaly/Intrusion Detection and Mitigation High-speed network traffic recording & analysis Online polymorphic worm signature generation Vulnerability analysis of 802.16 WiMAX protocols w/ formal methods Published in IEEE SSP, Infocom, SIGCOMM IMC, ICDCS
End-user Based Network Measurement and Diagnosis Maybe good fit for the Internet Technology and Services? 93 hours?
Two Types of Approaches Overlay network (P2P system) based Individual User based
Overlay Network Approach topology Overlay Network Operation Center measurements End hosts Suitable for overlay service providers, such as Akamai Scalable, accurate and adaptive to traffic/topology changes Published in SIGCOMM 2004, 2006 and to appear in Transaction on Networking For example, assume symmetric routing, the existing system has 6 paths, but only 4 links. Monitoring of 4 independent paths can solve the loss rates of all links, then we can compute the loss rate of other 2 paths. Basically, there is an NOC. The end hosts will measure the topology and send to NOC. NOC will select 4 paths to measure and instrument certain end hosts to do the measurement, and collect the results. Then it compute the loss rates of the basis set and infer the loss rates of all other paths. Assumptions: Break into 2 slides
Individual User Based Do not need any extra support Accurately separate the forward link loss and reverse link loss