“Meet the Commissioners” Let’s begin a conversation about neuro developmental services
NO CHANGES will be made to the neuro development service provided by South West London St. George’s Mental Health Trust in this financial year ( 2016/17) But…
Is there an opportunity to do something better?... Some facts: The true prevalence and incidence of ASD/ ADHD is variable depending on the research you read. In Kingston we have seen an increase in referrals of 35% in one year 50% of referrals are for an ASD assessment 30% of referrals are for ASD and ADHD assessment 20% of referrals are for an ADHD assessment 46% of pupils in Kingston schools with additional needs are categorised as associated with ASD . This is much higher than the national average.
Diagnosis What is a diagnosis ? The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms. Is a diagnosis important ? … What are the benefits of diagnosis?...
Paediatric Pathway (0-5 years) The current pathway Paediatric Pathway (0-5 years) Psychiatric pathway ( 6-17 years) What worked well?... What didn’t work well?...
Following diagnosis? After diagnosis what changes for your child?... What services were you able to access whilst you were waiting? ... Who helped you?... What else could have helped you and when? …
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