21 st Century Thinking Project
How would you rate your knowledge and use of active thinking routines in your teaching in February?
How would you rate your knowledge and use of active thinking routines in your teaching in October?
What routines or strategies are you are using to make thinking visible in your classroom? Think then respond prompt posters Mind maps Double bubble map Hot potato Round robin Cooperative learning tools Questioning Foster co-operation PCQ Judge Jury Metaphor Colour Symbol Image Active thinking tasks for homework Higher order Blooms categories Mapping backwards Venn diagrams Cause & Effect maps See think wonder POE Truths and False 321 Bridge PMI Inspiration Y chart & T chart KWHL Think pair share Discussion Compare the Square Silent card shuffle Concept maps/mind maps See Think Wonder SWOT Plan, Do, Reflect De Bono Hats Questions Open ended Questions
Students generally think that Active Thinking routines are:
Using Active Thinking routines has provided more opportunities for student dialogue, accountability and collaboration
I use technology to promote Active Thinking
I have more of an understanding of the purpose and ways to plan Active Thinking routines in my curriculum planning and teaching
There is more of a common understanding and thinking language in our Primary School now compere with Term 1
Has working independently or collaboratively on a task of your choosing been beneficial for your professional learning?
Would you like further opportunities to participate in Action Research, either independently or collaboratively
What resources would assist in the classroom to promote active thinking? Physical Larger working area with more group desks and collaborative spaces iPads Interactive screens Pedagogical Online reusable teacher resources to enhance lesson planning A framework to remind of us of what tools are available Clear success criteria - children know what they are learning and how to be successful Clear objectives for each lesson Human Working with a professional for new suggestions with current units A person who is trained in the area, demonstrating lessons with my units Teacher aide for group and discussion work Time Time to inject thinking into all subjects Time to share More access to computers
What professional learning opportunities would you like to experience to assist your understanding of making thinking visible? Watching other professionals teaching using active thinking. Demonstrations, observations, readings and research Whole staff sharing sessions like the ones we had Working with other teachers and seeing how they do things. I have loved learning from each other Time to play and learn is also such a critically important need that is often overlooked! Time to consider how thinking strategies can be used More examples of how Active Thinking is used in the classroom. More time to "play" with technology in order to incorporate resources more efficiently more hands on/sharing workshops Workshops that teach ways of implementing these skills in the classroom Visiting teachers room who can model good practise in these areas Watching other teachers at our school and others in action Working with experts at the planning level Feedback on teaching approaches Practical examples
What have been the positives of the Action Research approach to professional learning? Working collaboratively and sharing ideas with fellow teachers Engaging sessions with more creative teaching Able to follow own interests and needs Relevant learning trial and error opportunities Meaningful time spent to develop units Sharing of ideas with common goals Growing a meta language Loved all the different directions individuals went in Positive vibe about the place in regards to the project. Thinking outside of the classroom - Loved it! I liked being able to link an interest of mine to my teaching career. Greater student engagement and involvement Interacting with experts to help with research It was focussed and made you have to broaden your own personal learning and understanding. It gave you opportunities to reflect and talk with the other teachers and seek PD as you needed.
Identify any blockers to the Action Research professional learning approach? Identify any blockers to the Action Research professional learning approach? Time is always a blocker to professional learning and trialling Need time to communicate with others and consult "experts" in the IT areas Time to plan and share further with peers and visit other class rooms Time of year - pressure to fit it in Students can fall behind in group situations or become distracted and some will withdraw due to social implications etc Don't forget the importance of Listening skills Remember technology is an educational tool not a vehicle for entertainment Limited access to computers for all children More time needed to consider how to implement into my subject area More exposure to thinking routines to understand how they work and what their desirable outcome is to then consider how it could work for me as well No blockers I enjoyed this approach Would be great to have a project for a year and many check in points