LHCb Upgrade: Flavour Physics at High Luminosity Chris Parkes LHCb - Aims for first phase (~2013) SuperLHCb physics – Probing New Physics Technology - Vertex Trigger, Radiation Level Conclusion- Forward Plan Thanks to LHCb collaborators, notably: Hans Dijkstra, Jim Libby, Franz Muheim, Guy Wilkinson, EPS HEP Conference, Manchester, Detector Session, July 21st 2007
CP Violation & Rare Decay Experiment Dedicated B System CP Violation & Rare Decay Experiment Full spectrum of B hadrons: Bs system, All angles, sides of both CKM s Lots of events ! 250 mrad 10 mrad p
LHCb Construction on Schedule Muon Calorimeters RICH2 Trackers Magnet RICH1 VELO
Flavour Physics Progress Spectacular progress in heavy flavour physics: Baseline measurement ACP (J/y KS) Bs Oscillations Measurement, Charm results Impressive range of additional measurements LHCb Goals - First Phase 10 fb-1 First observation of very rare decay Bs mixing phase Unitarity Triangle Today at 0.01 rad γ at few degrees 10 fb-1 LHCb + lattice BDK BsDsK B(s)h+h− exploiting U-spin
LHCb Physics Programme Limited by Detector But NOT Limited by LHC Upgrade to extend Physics reach Exploit advances in detector technology Radiation Hard Vertex Detector Displaced Vertex Trigger Better utilise LHC capabilities Timescale, 2015 Collect ~100 fb-1 data Modest cost compared with existing accelerator infrastructure Independent of LHC upgrade SLHC not needed But compatible with SLHC phase
Upgrade Physics Programme Examples Complementary to ATLAS / CMS direct searches New particles are discovered LHCb measure flavour couplings through loop diagrams No new particles are found LHCb probe NP at multi-TeV energy scale CP Violation Angle to better than 10 Tree Diagram Dominated Decays, <<10 theory Gluonic Penguins BdK0 Rare Decays Angular Correlations - Not just Afb Charm Physics Mixing studies in D0→hh CPV searches LHCb 2 fb-1 superimposed Rare decays, eg. D(0)(s)→l+l- [(Xu,s)]
loops - penguin dominated Bs mixing phase Also measure from loops - penguin dominated = New Physics ! CDF ms Ligeti et al. [hep-ph/0604112] Blanke & Buras [hep-ph/0703117] Standard LHCb 1 Year SM Little Higgs Model Upgrade can achieve 10% measurement of SM
Initial Phase of LHCb Operations Displaced Vertex trigger 2nd level of triggering Multiple Interactions Limit Triggering Data taking starts 2008 Defocus LHC beams LHCb L= 2x1032 cm-2s-1 Factor 50 below ATLAS/CMS design L Most events have single interaction LHCb Upgrade L= 2x1033 cm-2s-1 Cope with 4 int./x-ing SLHC peak L= 8×1034 cm-2s-1 Baseline - 40MHz, alternate High, Low I rate of pp interactions LHCb H L Select Low I for desired luminosity GPDs H H Effective 20MHz Crossing rate
LHCb Trigger System Cope with 4 interactions / beam crossing Existing 1st Level Trigger 1MHz readout Veto on multiple interactions Existing Trigger based on: High pT Muons Calorimeter Clusters Current 1st Level Trigger Performance Events with muons – trigger efficient Events with hadrons – need improved trigger Require Displaced Vertex Trigger At 1st level
Trigger Gains – 40 MHz readout Improve efficiency for hadrons and photons εTrig(B→hadronic) ~ 25-35% εTrig(B→γX) ~ 30-40% εTrig(B→μμX) ~ 60-70% Higher Level Trigger Only limitations CPU Algorithmic Ingenuity (Former) improves with Moore’s Law
Radiation Hard Vertex Locator Active Silicon only 8mm from LHC beam Upgrade Requires high radiation tolerance device >1015 1 MeV neutroneq /cm2 Strixels / Pixels n-on-p, MCz, 3D VELO Module x 390 mrad y 60 mrad x 8cm 15 mrad z 1 m Z Beam Pixel layout
LHCb Upgrade Baseline & Issues ECAL Trigger in CPU Farm Event building at 40 MHZ, CPU power OK Hadron efficiency ~ factor two improvement Read-out all detector 40MHz Replace all FE Electronics Vertex locator, Silicon Tracker, RICH HPD, Outer Tracker FE, Calorimeter FE boards Radiation Damage Need to replace Velo anyway Inner part of Shashlik Calorimeter Inner part of silicon tracker Remove muon chamber before Calorimeter Occupancy Inner part of outer tracker, 6%25% Increase silicon coverage (faster gas, scintillating fibres) Tracking algorithms for higher occupancy PWO crystals Inner / Outer Tracker
Upgrade Summary Major Physics Programme at modest cost Flavour Sector of New Physics s measurement Precision Critical Technology Radiation Hard Vertex Detector With Displaced Vertex Trigger Compatible with but independent of SLHC ? Upgrade Lowry LHCb preparation in good shape Looking forward to first data And an even brighter far future
University of Glasgow, Scotland 1st - 5th September 2008 The conference explores the scientific and technical developments of detector systems used in: Astronomy and space science; Astrophysics; Condensed matter studies; Industrial applications; Life sciences; Medical physics; Nuclear Physics, Particle physics and Synchrotron based science. National Organising Committee (subject to change) P.P. Allport, Liverpool R.L. Bates, Glasgow A.J. Bird, Southampton C.R. Cunningham, UK ATC, Edinburgh G.E. Derbyshire, STFC, RAL P. Evans, ICR, London R. Farrow, STFC, Daresbury W. Faruqi, MRC, Cambridge M. Grande, Aberystwyth P.R. Hobson, Brunel D.P. Langstaff, Aberystwyth P.J. Nolan, Liverpool D.J. Parker, Birmingham P.J. Sellin, Surrey A. Smith, MSSL, London R. Speller, UCL, London T.J. Sumner, IC, London S. Watts, Manchester psd8@physics.gla.ac.uk http://www.psd8.physics.gla.ac.uk