Aim: What destructive events can be triggered from earthquakes? Japan Earthquake/Tsunami 2011 Japan Earthquake/Fire 2011
I. Earthquake Damage Buildings: • Factors that determine structural damage: - Intensity of the earthquake. - Material used in the building. - Material the building is standing on (bedrock or sand). - The design of the building.
2) Liquefaction • Solid materials that are saturated begins to act like a fluid when vibrated
3) Tsunamis the Japanese word for “seismic sea wave.” triggered by an earthquake, travels fast. can occur when earthquakes cause an underwater landslide to occur.
a. Tsunami Warning System • Underwater earthquakes are reported to Hawaii from Pacific seismic stations. • Although tsunamis travel quickly, there is sufficient time to evacuate coastal areas.
4) Fires • In the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, most of the destruction was caused by fires that started when gas and electrical lines were cut. Do Not Copy
II. Earthquake Predictions Short-Range Predictions So far predictions have not been successful. b. Long-Range Forecasts A seismic gap is an area along a fault where there has not been any earthquake activity for a long period of time.