The Secret Life of Stars Marisa Hanson Renee Garrett Olivia Moran
Lives of Stars A stars life begins with gas and dust in a nebula contract to form a protostar.
Supergiants When a star begins to run out of fuel, it expands to become a giant or supergiant.
Giant and supergiant stars can blow up into supernovas Explosive Stars Giant and supergiant stars can blow up into supernovas
Dwarfs Small or medium stars become red giants and then white dwarfs.
Black dwarfs When a white dwarf fades away, it becomes a black dwarf which you cannot see.
The remains of most supernovas become a neutron star. Neutron Stars The remains of most supernovas become a neutron star.
Black Holes The remains of most massive stars collapse into black holes. Not even light can escape from black holes.