Goal Setting Got Goals?
Got Goals? I want to be a good person I want to be financially secure I want to be happy Usually, when we think about goals, we think about vague, non-specific ideas like these. This is a great start, but these do not provide any direction for achieving them.
Make it REAL! Turn it into specific, concrete behaviors. Look at all the pieces of a goal. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? Make it REAL! Turn those wishy-washy ideas into specific ideas. Instead of “I want to be financially secure.” Turn that into “I will to be debt free in 3 years.” Instead of “I want to be a good person.” Turn it into “I will volunteer for three community programs in the next 6 months.” Think about what you really want.
S.T.A.R. S-Specific T-Time A-Areas R-Reflect S.T.A.R. is an easy acronym to keep in mind with setting goals. Get specific about what you want. Set a timeframe for accomplishing the goal. Identify areas of your life that you want to be positively impacted. Reflect on what it will mean as far commitment, resources, preparation.
Write it down! Expose undefined terms, unrealistic time frames… In other words…GET SPECIFIC! Vague Goal Specific Goal Get a good education. Graduate with B.S. degree in engineering, with honors, by 2009. Enhance my spiritual life. Meditate for 15 minutes daily. Improve my appearance. Lose six pounds during the next six months. Here’s an example of using the S.T.A.R. method to get to those concrete, achievable goals. Writing it down can help you analyze your goals and get to specific goals.
Time Frames Long Term (5 – 20 years) Mid Term (1 – 5 years) Short Term (In a year or less) For the exercise you’ll be completing next, here are the timeframes we are going to ask you to think about. In many cases, goals that you set in the short term can lead to mid term goals, which can lead to achieving your long term goals.
Areas Education Career Financial Life Family Life Social Life Spiritual Life Level of Health Here are different areas of your life that we’ll ask you to think about. You will not be required to hit all areas, nor are you restricted to this list. This is just a list of suggestions to get you thinking differently and specifically about your goals.
Reflect Check in with your feelings Check for alignment Check for obstacles Check for immediate steps. When you finish writing down some goals, take time to reflect on what you’ve written. Ask yourself how you feel about it, check to make sure your goals are not in conflict with one another. Do they work together to achieve an ultimate vision you have for your life? Look for obstacles to meeting your goals. What are some things, either caused by your own behaviors or life circumstances that may get in the way of meeting your goals. What can you do to avoid them, work through them, or make them work towards your needs? And now that you’ve written some goals, what can you start doing right now?
That sounds great, but… Time Money Energy Procrastination I know, I know. That sounds all great and easy, BUT… What about time, money, energy, or that dreaded procrastination? It’s true, those things can get in the way. But remember, they can only get in the way as much as you let them. If you have obstacles that will truly derail your goals, you might want to reassess your goals and think of shorter term goals that are achievable and can potentially lead to removing those obstacles.