Welcome to Pre-Calculus My name is Mr. Giordanelli room d209 Expectations Class objectives
Website Giordanelli.com/school (username: mrgstudent, password: ranger). Notes, assignments, solutions, etc. located on website. Great source of information use it.
Daily work/Quizzes Effort grade, Daily grade (correctness), Quiz, average about once a week. Must show all work check on your own on website, and ask questions the next day. Missed work should be attempted using online notes and you are responsible to come in to tutoring for comprehension Missed daily checks: make up during tutoring or next beginning of next class. Responsible for missed work. 20% / 35%
Major grades (tests) 2 or 3 a nineweeks Missed tests made up during tutoring with in 3 school days. 45%
Re-test, Re-quiz, Re-daily 2 daily/and or quizzes a nine weeks Any test Max grade 70 Corrections during tutoring with in 5 school days of posting Incentive: dropped grades
Binder with dividers Must have at least a 1½ ” binder with dividers. First page calendar, second page syllabus. Unit notes, assignments, daily check with assignments, corrections, quizzes, corrections.
Tutoring Monday and Thursday after school 4:10 – 4:50 Tuesday and Wednesday before school 8:00 – 8:35
Phones and other electronics They will be put in the cubby at the front of the room and will be picked up at the end of class or when I give you permission Anyone seen with a phone or other electronic devices will be taken up
Odds and ends Restroom pass Student table
Homework Print calendar from website Get binder Pg. A11-12 (25,32,36,37,51,55,58,59,75,85,88,97,101), A29-30 (33,43,49,57,73,77,80,87), A34 (7), A40-41 (7,13,19,26), A53-54 (17,19,25,41,47,50,67,69,79,96,100,111)