October 2013 Principal-Parent Breakfast
Parent Teacher Conferences!
September 30, 2013 Dear ________________________________, As part of our commitment to enhance home-school communication, celebrate student progress and encourage continued improvement, we will have Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 9 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. This day will be a minimum day (7:50 -11:30 a.m.) where students will be dismissed BEFORE lunch. LUNCH WILL NOT BE SERVED ON THIS DAY! We look forward to meeting with you on ______________________ from ______________ to ______________ in your child s room. We have worked hard to arrange sibling s conferences on the same day and appreciate your efforts to attend the time arranged for you. This is an important opportunity to discuss your child s academic and social/emotional growth with the homeroom teacher, and we look forward to your participation. Please note that students do not participate in these conferences. Your partners in education, ______________________________ Ms. Ana Third grade teacher ______________________________ Please fill in and send back to school LS Parent-Teacher Conference Time S tudent: ______________________ Teacher: __Ms. Ana__ Parent: ______________________ Please check one: ____________ This time is great and I will be attend the scheduled parent-teacher conference. ____________I feel informed about my child s progress/have no specific concerns and do not feel the need ____________This time does NOT work and I would rather reschedule for another time. Another time that would work for me is _______________________________.
Other Hot Topics!
Report Cards go home on: Friday, October 4 Campus closed (October 14-15) Dia das Criancas PTA International Night on Friday, October 25 at 6:00 pm Halloween party at school on Friday, November 1 from 6:00-8:00 pm
Please me if you have any other concerns, ideas or Thank you for coming!