Animate an object and tell its story WRITING TIME Animate an object and tell its story
This…becomes this..and..
Read Ms Powder Pingu’s story in groups. Who is she?
A Chance Meeting near the Most Important Place Ms. Powder Pingu had a less than perfect life. She was born with legs and arms, but no hands or feet. A skin infection made her flesh a constant bright pink, and her arthritis was in such a state that moving her joints was impossible. She was born without hair and never grew any, so she wore a sixties-style wig or a bow she had bought somewhere years ago. She felt bad about the life she had. Her problems made Ms. Powder Pingu sad and lonely. She never smiled and always hid her eyes so no one knew her feelings. She was always out in public, but she was always by herself. Men never looked at her, and woman would glance up for just a second before rushing by. Whether she was in the library, a hospital, or a movie theatre, she felt that she was a non-entity, a fixture, like a piece of furniture. When she was in bars, she was called Senorita, lady, Sheila, and even chick, but nothing ever came of it. She wished something would, however, for she was a terribly lonely person. However, if you are willing to look and be brave, there is always somebody to connect with. Ms. Powder Pingu’s life completely changed when she met the man that had always been close to her, but always out of reach. This man truly understood her, because he shared many of the same problems. His name was Jonnie Blue. Unfortunately they can never touch, but they will stand happily side by side forever.
Topic sentence Major support Minor detail Concluding sentence Ms. Powder Pingu had a less than perfect life. She was born with legs and arms, but no hands or feet. A skin infection made her flesh a constant bright pink, and her arthritis was in such a state that moving her joints was impossible. She was born without hair and never grew any, so she wore a sixties-style wig or a bow she had bought somewhere years ago. She felt bad about the life she had. Her problems made Ms. Powder Pingu sad and lonely. She never smiled and always hid her eyes so no one knew her feelings. She was always out in public, but she was always by herself. Men never looked at her, and woman would glance up for just a second before rushing by. Whether she was in the library, a hospital, or a movie theatre, she felt that she was a non-entity, a fixture, like a piece of furniture. When she was in bars, she was called Senorita, lady, Sheila, and even chick, but nothing ever came of it. She wished something would, however, for she was a terribly lonely person. However, if you are willing to look and be brave, there is always somebody to connect with. Ms. Powder Pingu’s life completely changed when she met the man that had always been close to her, but always out of reach. This man truly understood her, because he shared many of the same problems. His name was Jonnie Blue. Unfortunately they can never touch, but they will stand happily side by side forever. Topic sentence Major support Minor detail Concluding sentence
Meet Powder Pingu and Jonnie Blue
ASSIGNMENT Make your own character from an object. Do not let your classmates know what your object is. Your classmates will try to guess the object. You will be peer evaluated on : Creativity Composition Ability to stump the other students Good Luck!!!!