A systems approach to electronic assembly optimization L.B. Newnes, A R Mileham, and A Doniavai Published: 8 February 2001 Submitted: 26 June 2000 Grant Daniels 12/10/2007
Introduction & Definitions A lot of research has been done in particular aspects of Electronics manufacturing (EM), but no one has taken a system approach to the optimizing of an EM system. Goal: Improve yields through a three phase methodology. A model is a simplified representation used to analyze and understand a system. A systems approach focuses on optimizing the entire system rather than specific sub-processes. Electronics assembly (EA) will be the authors focus of optimization.
Methodology 3 phase, 10 step methodology Worked closely with an EA company during the improvement process focusing in stages 1, 2, 4, and 10.
Stage 1: setting objectives Evaluated the company on whether the processes implemented were capable of their production specifications and attain their yeild goals. The company studied produces switch meters that involve surface mount components as well as leaded components.
Stage 2: IDEF0 model General, overall process flow map More specific process flow map for EA. Each map was verified by the operators of the sysem.
Process Capability Cp and Cpk measure process capability. Confidence intervals were calculated using 95% confidence. The specific process measured is paste soldering, measuring the solder height. Cpk<1 Not Capable
Levels Aggregation Total yield calculation Total yields of the EA is 16%
Conclusions and References Pointless Nothing that 6-sigma hasn’t been doing long before The authors just summarize that they found the process to not be capable and that the yields were 16%
Questions? Thank you, and Merry Christmas.