Topics 1 and 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Topics 1 and 2

What does it mean for a compound to be organic?   they contain carbon

Water is (circle one) polar / nonpolar because the electrons are not evenly shared.

What are some properties of water that make it important to life ? polar molecule that forms hydrogen bonds; Cohesion/adhesion, high specific heat, density, universal solvent

What is the difference between a monomer and polymer? monomers are building blocks of polymers

Dehydration synthesis _removes____ water to _form____a bond, while hydrolysis__ adds______ water to __break___a bond.

Carbohydrates have a _1__: _2__: _1__ ratio of the elements C:H:O Carbohydrates have a _1__: _2__: _1__ ratio of the elements C:H:O. Carbohydrates are the main ___energy___ source for a cell.

Why are there no monomers of lipids? Composed of glycerol And fatty acid chains …but lipids have no true monomer because they are not composed of repeating subunits

Lipids make up the majority of the cell _membrane____.

Nucleic acids have the following elements: _____C, H,N, O, P_ Nucleic acids have the following elements: _____C, H,N, O, P_. Nucleic acids store our _____genetic code___.

Carboxyl group Amine group Varying R groups Amino acids (the monomers of a protein) are made up of what three parts? Carboxyl group Amine group Varying R groups

How do enzymes act as biological catalysts? They lower the activation energy required for chemical reactions to start in our bodies

Monosaccharide/ polysaccharide Energy/structure Macromolecule Elements Monomer and polymer Roles Carbohydrates CHO Monosaccharide/ polysaccharide Energy/structure Lipids CH and a little O Long-term energy storage; cell membrane Nucleic acids CHOPN Nucleotide / nucleic acid Genetic material Proteins CHON and S Amino acid /polypeptide chain Structure, enzymes

Topic 2

What structure defines a cell? the nucleus

What do we a call an organism that does have a nucleus What do we a call an organism that does have a nucleus? ______eukaryote____ What do we call an organism that does not have a nucleus? _____prokaryote___

What are two examples of prokaryotes? Bacteria and archaebacteria

What are three types of eukaryotes? plants, animals, and fungi

Ribosomes help to make __proteins_for the cell

The fluid in the cells is called the _____cytoplasm___

The Endoplasmic reticulum sends proteins to the __Golgi__ Bodies for further modification

The section of the Endoplasmic Reticulum with attached ribosomes is called the __rough_________ ER The section of the Endoplasmic Reticulum without ribosomes is called the _____smooth______ ER

When a protein leaves the Golgi Bodies, what does it take with it? a piece of ____membrane___; this piece will help transport it around the cell and fuse with the cell membrane.

What could be transported in a vesicle? proteins

Lysosomes perform what function? Clean up (dissolve and digest)

What is an organelle? membrane bound subunit of the cell

Where do we turn sugars into ATP? mitochondria

What organelle do plants use for photosynthesis? chloroplasts use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water

What do filaments do? provide cell structure