What is a haiku? A Japanese poem written in specific format First Line: 5 Syllables Second Line: 7 Syllables Third Line: 5 Syllables Uses sensory images. (what you see, taste, touch, smell, hear). Don’t rhyme. Sometimes are funny, witty, or have a surprise ending.
Examples of haikus: Life is a Vapor My footprints from the Day before yesterday are Gone by tomorrow - Mr. Wenzel
Examples of haikus: Old Man on Snowshoes Old man on snowshoes Walks by my classroom window Following a dog - Mr. Wenzel
Haikus are easy But sometimes they don’t make sense Refrigerator (Note: You may never use refrigerator as the last line to any haiku you write. )
Create a Haiku about this English Class: (5 Minutes) Title 5 7