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12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Capacities Specific Programme Research Infrastructures EUROPEAN MICROKELVIN COLLABORATION Mikko Paalanen Helsinki University of Technology Low Temperature Laboratory 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY TKK 12/5/2018 11/20/101 HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY TKK TKK was founded in 1908 15 000 students and 220 professors Budget 223 M€ in 2007 Direct government funding about 120 M€/year TKK will disappear in 2010 Merged with 2 other universities into Aalto University Aalto University will be a ”private” university 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING 2

LOW TEMPERATURE LABORATORY 12/5/2018 11/20/101 LOW TEMPERATURE LABORATORY Independent research laboratory of TKK Total number of personnel 110 Total budget about 5.5 M€/year Total replacement value of infrastructure about 8 M€ Research directions: Ultra low temperature physics 25% 1965 - Neuromagnetic brain research 45% 1980 - Quantum electronics 30% 1996 - 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING 2

MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING 12/5/2018 ULTI INFRASTRUCTURE Single-site transnational access-giving infrastructure operated by the LTL Long history ULTI I 1994 – 1998, FP4, Coordinator O.V. Lounasmaa ULTI II 1998 – 2000, FP4, Coordinator OVL ULTI III 2000 – 2004, FP5, Coordinator MP ULTI 2004 – 2008, FP6, Coordinator MP Services for European low temperature community Transnational access to sub-mK refrigerators User Meetings in 1994, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2008. Bridge between Russian and European scientists 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING


MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING MICROKELVIN EU-funded network of 12 European low temperature laboratories 12/5/2018 PARTICIPATING INSTITUTE SCIENTIFIC REPRESENTATIVE 1. Helsinki University of Technology Mikko Paalanen 2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble Henri Godfrin 3. Lancaster University George Picket 4. Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg Christian Enns 5. Royal Holloway and Bedford New College John Saunders 6. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Francesco Giazotto 7. Ustav Experimentalnej Fyziky Slovenskej Akademie Vied Peter Skyba 8. Universitaet Basel Dominik Zumbühl 9. Technische Universiteit Delft Teun Klapwijk 10. BlueFors Cryogenics Rob Blaauwgeers 11. Universiteit Leiden Tjerk Oosterkamp 12. Physicalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin Thomas Schürig 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Objectives 12/5/2018 To integrate and upgrade the leading microkelvin facilities in Europe. To assemble a critical mass to work effectively on large scale issues and provide access to a wider range of European users. To create new capability by exploiting the combined microkelvin capacity of these facilities for new areas of physics, especially nanophysics. To enhance the capacities of the access-giving facilities. To network the members of the low temperature and related research communities, the scientists with cryoengineers and the end-users with access providers, to facilitate cross-disciplinary sharing of knowledge. To disseminate the expertise of the core institutes to the wider community by the development of compact, user-friendly, refrigerators for microkelvin research in low-infrastructure environments. To foster the development of the next generation of refrigerators and instruments for ultra-low temperature measurements. To develop strategies and tools for the long-term building of a virtual European Ultralow Temperature Laboratory. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Activities and budgets 12/5/2018 TOTAL BUDGET 5 396 177,40 € (EU-funding 4 199 988,50 €) MANAGEMENT NA1: Managing MICROKELVIN Collaboration (Tentative budget 260 800 €) NETWORKING ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 779 680 €) NA2: Coordination of transnational access NA3: Knowledge and technology transfer NA4: Strengthening European low temperature research TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 1 290 897 €) TA1: Access to TKK TA2: Access to CNRS TA3: Access to ULANC JOINT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (Tentative budget 3 064 800 €) JRA1: Opening microkelvin regime to nanoscience JRA2: Ultralow temperature nanorefrigerator JRA3: Attacking fundamental physics questions by μK condensed-matter experiments JRA4: Novel methods and devices for ultra low temperature measurements 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Expected impact 12/5/2018 The Impact on European infrastructure Improved European infrastructure in the microkelvin field for higher capacity and quality services, both in the access-giving units and those jointly involved. This is the prime aim of our integrated action. A better educated workforce in the access-giving centres with enhanced microkelvin skills and new capabilities. Restructured and stronger ERA by founding the Virtual European Low Temperature Laboratory by 2012. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Expected impact 12/5/2018 The Impact on wider community Increased number of scientists and engineers using advance microkelvin technology, through the dissemination of both knowledge and infrastructure-independent machines to university laboratories and SMEs. Increased number of low temperature laboratories using He-saving user-friendly cooling methods. A better educated workforce in the peripheral regions where such experience would otherwise be difficult or impossible to acquire. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Expected impact 12/5/2018 The Impact on new knowledge and its exploitation The focus on nano- and material sciences at microkelvin temperatures as the themes of the integration will lead to the production of novel materials, material production techniques arising from the imperatives of the new temperature regime. The same focus will also lead to novel nanoscale refrigerators and quantum devices with capabilities which are only realized at microkelvin temperatures. The same focus should also lead to new discoveries being revealed in this new temperature regime. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Management structure 12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN Management structure European Commission Project coordinating person Management Committee Advisory Board Management Office Administrator Web-officer Legal advisor NA-TEAM Coordinator Dissemination Committee JRA-TEAM TA-TEAM Selection Panel General Assembly JRA4 Activity TA1 TA3 TA2 NA4 NA3 NA2 NA1 JRA3 JRA2 JRA1 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN Selection of officials by General Assembly 12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN DOCUMENTS Grant Agreement Description of Work (Annex 1 of Grant Agreement) Consortium Agreement MICROKELVIN MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND OFFICIALS General Assembly 1 person per participant Coordinator TKK Project Coordinating Person 1 person* Management Office 3* Management Committee 3* Scientific Advisory Board 5 – 7* Selection Panel 3 plus 5* Dissemination Committee 1 person per participant Activity Coordinators 3* Activity Leaders 11* * to be selected by the General Assembly later today 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING


MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES 12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES MICROKELVIN will offer access to microkelvin refrigerators TKK Espoo, Finland 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects CNRS Grenoble, France 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects ULANC Lancaster, UK 27 visitor-months 18 users 14 projects MICROKELVIN will open microkelvin regime for nanoscientists TKK Micronova, Finland 100 visitor-hours 5 users 5 projects MICROKELVIN will support the users of the infrastructure Scientific support Logistic and technical support Outreach to new users 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES 12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES MICROKELVIN will pay travel and housing expences to the visitors per diem to the visitors to cover their other expences access fee to the host institute (about 9 000 €/visitor-month) Access fee includes rent of the facility salaries of the support personnel consumables 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES 12/5/2018 MICROKELVIN TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS ACTIVITIES Selection Panel Common panel for all 3 sites 1 representative from each access site plus 5 outside members ULTI Selection Panel: Reyer Jochemsen, Matti Krusius, Paul Leiderer, Mikko Paalanen, George Pickett, Bernard Placais, Luciano Reatto, Peter Skyba Selection Criteria The accepted experiments have to represent excellent science with unique goals. They have to be technically feasible for the available instruments in our facilities. Scientific and technical progress is expected. Preference is given to first time users from countries lacking low temperature facility. Special attention will be paid to new EU-countries and young starting professors. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

TKK Low Temperature Laboratory 12/5/2018 TKK Low Temperature Laboratory AMOUNT OF ACCESS OFFERED 27 visitor-months 100 visitor-hours in a professional cleanroom EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS 1) a rotating cryostat with a 300 K base temperature 2) a stationary cryostat with a 10 K base temperature 3) 2 cryostat with 20 mK base temperature 4) 2 cryostats with 20 mK base temperature, 24 hour cool down time to 100 mK temperature, and 0-10 GHz range for high frequency experiments 5) magnetometer model MPMS 5T (Quantum Design), for fast susceptibility, magneto- and Hall resistance measurements at 1.6 - 400 K temperatures and 0 - 5 Tesla fields. SUPPORT PERSONNEL 2 technicians working in the machine shop 1 technician delivering the cryoliquids 1 chief engineer in charge of the cryohall and the semi clean room 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

CNRS GRENOBLE Institute Néel 12/5/2018 CNRS GRENOBLE Institute Néel AMOUNT OF ACCESS OFFERED 27 visitor-months EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS 1. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN1 (100 μK), equipped with two different nuclear stages (Lancaster-type and lamellar type) 2. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN2 (100 μK – presently being installed - available end 2009) 3. The ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator and nuclear demagnetisation DN3 (100 μK available at the end of 2009 in the Canfranc underground site (LSC) for experiments requiring good cosmic-ray shielding. 4. The high cooling power and very low temperature dilution refrigerator DR1 (T < 5 mK) 5. The very low temperature pulse-tube cooler based dilution refrigerator PT-DR3 (T < 8 mK) 6. The dilution refrigerator based 50 mK-STM facility, 7. The dilution refrigerator based 100 mK-micro-SQUID facility, 8. Access to the thermometric platform, to the low-field continuous and pulsed NMR spectrometers, and ancillary equipment. SUPPORT PERSONNEL 3 technicians 1 chief engineer 2 senior scientists DR1 1 scientist CR2 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

LANCASTER UNIVERSITY Ultralow Temperature Laboratory 12/5/2018 LANCASTER UNIVERSITY Ultralow Temperature Laboratory AMOUNT OF ACCESS OFFERED 27 visitor-months EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR ACCESS Cryostat 4 cools superfluid 3He down to 100 μK Cryostat 2 cools superfluid 3He down to < 80 μK, copper down to 10 μK Cryostat 5 cools superfluid 3He down to < 80 μK, copper down to 6 μK SUPPORT PERSONNEL 2 technicians 1 senior scientists 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN PUBLICATIONS 12/5/2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN PUBLICATIONS These experiments were performed in the Low Temperature Laboratory of Helsinki University of Technology and supported by MICROKELVIN, the EU FP7 infrastructure grant #228464. 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING

TRANSFER OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 12/5/2018 TRANSFER OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Employees funded by MICROKELVIN project should transfer their IPRs to the participating University! 5.12.2018 MICROKELVIN KICK-OFF MEETING