Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents. Welcome! Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents.
Opening Prayer
REMINDER! Total of 15 Service Hours & 15 Sermon Notes Due by May 1st
Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz
Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz! 1. “Abba” is Aramaic for: Mother Brother Daddy A cool band Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
2. Martin Luther divided the Lord’s Prayer into: 3 petitions 5 petitions 6 petitions 7 petitions Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
3. Is God’s name still holy even if our words and actions aren’t holy? Yes No Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz! 4. Last week, we read about Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray in the book of: Acts Matthew 1 Kings Job Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
5. The purpose of prayer is to: Talk with God Be seen by others Try to be like a pastor None of the above Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
6. The acronym we learned for P.R.A.Y. is: Practice, Reading, Amazing, Yells Protect, Robotic, Active, Youth Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield Promise, Respond, Ask, Yield
Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz! 7. God hears our prayers: On Sundays In the mornings At school All of the above Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
BONUS: What does “Emmanuel” mean? Coming Soon Born for you God with us Noel is here Lord’s Prayer Pop Quiz!
Today’s Lesson The Lord’s Prayer – God’s Kingdom & Will KEY Words: 2nd & 3rd Petitions KEY Words: Trust, Will, and Kingdom
Key Words TRUST: a person or thing on which one relies; confidence WILL: a person’s desire or wish to accomplish something KINGDOM: a government that is led by a king or queen; also a geographical place
2nd Petition: “Thy kingdom come”
Small Catechism pg. 19 Compare the explanations of the 1st & 2nd Petitions. What are some similarities? God’s name is holy and His will is done, no matter what we do.
Jesus talks about the kingdom… Read Luke 17:20-21 Knowing that the kingdom of God will last forever and is in you… complete the statement on your worksheet, “If the kingdom of God is within me, then…”
3rd Petition: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Read Mark 14:32-36 Jesus talks about doing the will of His Abba What’s the connection between prayer and doing God’s will?
Small Catechism pg. 20 Read the explanation to the 3rd Petition What are the three things that seek to keep God’s will from being done? Devil World Flesh God’s will is done when He BREAKS and HINDERS every evil plan and purpose!
As a small group, pick one of the following questions and discuss it: Do you think people understand the term “kingdom?” Can you think of a better word to describe it? Does doing God’s will mean we have to suffer and be miserable? Why or why not? How much does our church focus on doing God’s will?
At your table: Share: Your highs and lows from the week Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later
For Next Tuesday: Read: 4th & 5th Petitions and their Meanings
Sign-up to volunteer at our Coffee House on Friday, Jan. 26! Earn service hours!
Flower City Work Camp “That the city might see Jesus” Apr. 2-6 (Spring Break) Worksite crew Worship/Eat/Hang out/Sleep at Browncroft or Faith $135 for the first teen in a family $120 for 2nd teen $100 for 3rd teen Online Registration: Dec. 24 - Jan. 17 Sign-up on FLY Bulletin Board! (Only 11 spots)
Closing Prayer
Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!