At the Heart of the Renaissance HUMANISM At the Heart of the Renaissance
Beginnings of Humanism Humanism was a new way of thinking where scholars (called Humanists) looked back to the ancient classical civilizations of Greece and Rome Admired ancient writing styles of ancient writers (Like Aristotle and Plato) and became INTERESTED in ideas about society, politics, science, history, and the arts.
CLASSICAL WORKS (The Ancient Thinkers)
School of Athens by Raphael (1508-1511) Depicted the classics such as Plato and Aristotle and other philosophers AS modern Renaissance men of the time (Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc). Why?
Humanism and the Individual Belief in dignity and the potential of the individual VERY DIFFERENT COMPARED TO MEDIEVAL TIMES (Feudalism = Obedience and respect for authority!) It is important to be curious, ask questions, and have an open mind (not encouraged in Medieval Era Learning is key to achievement Should read great “works” and appreciate art Should be skilled in multiple ways (physically, religiously, creatively, scholarly, etc) Human beings can use the power of reason (thinking) to find truth for themselves)
Humanists, Like Petrarch! Like other HUMANISTS, Petrarch returned to classics and collected their various manuscripts Humanists copied and translated them so more people could be “educated” Idea is to have knowledge reach as many people as possible!
“If I have any money I buy books, if there is any left over, I buy food and clothes” -Erasmus What is Erasmus emphasizing in this quote?
Your Turn! On pages 62-63, INDIVIDUALLY brainstorm in a web that shows how the Classics (of Greek and Roman thought) have influenced us!
Humanism & Civics, Education, and Religion Pg. 65 - 69