Pre-AP Biology Ms. (Rachel) Hall
Grading Policy 50% -- Test Grades (This includes keeping an organized BILL book, checked once each unit on test days) 25% -- Lab Grades (Formal lab reports & post-lab tests) 25% -- Daily grades (Homework, exit questions, worksheets, current events, etc.)
Class Website Canvas! Accessed via ~the cloud~ ( MODULES Files from that day Upcoming assignments Calendar Everything I use in class is in the MODULES section
Online Textbook Supplementary/Extra resource available Search for an app called “Pearson EasyBridge” on the cloud
Biology Interactive Learning Log (BILL Book) All non-lab papers & notes glued/taped in book Checked once per unit – on day of unit test Sample BILL kept in class Worth a major test grade
Student Objectives List of everything students need to know Given to students on first day of unit – not due until day of test Test date should be listed on paper Recommend answering questions covered in class that night Stay on top of it – do not leave it all until the last minute
Late Work One class period late: maximum grade = 70 Two class periods late: maximum grade = 50 No late work accepted after two class periods except in case of excused absence Formal lab reports will be accepted late for a maximum grade of 50
Extra Credit Opportunities Riddle of the Week! 3 riddles correct = 1 point added to 6 weeks average 6 riddles correct = 2 points added to 6 weeks Hot Science Cool Talks UT Lecture series ~1 per 6 weeks Webcasts online if not available to go to UT Write a paper summarizing the lecture, get 1 point added to 6 weeks average
Exit Questions/Quizzes 1 per week 1 – 2 questions covering what was learned that day Right or wrong 0 or 100 If student gets a 0, attend tutoring/FIT, re- assess, get a 70
Tutoring Asking for help is a skill ALL freshmen should learn now Tutoring hours: Tuesday & Thursday after school Utilizing FIT time I can help with anything. Encourage them to ask for help! Self-advocacy is a key to success in high school
Formal Labs ~2 formal labs per 6 weeks Full written lab report written in lab book Post-lab quizzes given over each lab Students can use their lab reports on the post-lab quizzes
Students Being More Responsible Taking initiative to check grades You can too! Room 133 if you’re not sure how to connect to Parent Cloud Taking initiative to talk to teacher/attend tutorials Taking initiative to check teacher website when absent/lost a paper/need to look at a powerpoint from that day Help your child by teaching them to take responsibility for their own grades!
Video Homework Lessons recorded (voice + powerpoint) Students watch and follow along with questions to answer Quick discussion in class/students ask questions More time available for activities/labs practicing material No internet access? Computers in Ms. Hall’s room, library, or worst case scenario powerpoints can be printed out