Ms. Bullock 8th Grade Science Lesson Plans Week of October 30- November 3 * Lessons Plans are subject to change to teacher’s discretion
Announcements Earth’s Structure Board Assignment and DE Scavenger Hunt due Tuesday, Oct. 31 Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources (Notes and Vocab.) Thursday, November 2.
Monday, Oct. 30, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5C.1 Obtain and communicate information regarding the physical and chemical properties of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels to describe their importance as Earth resources. Objective: SWBAT compare and contrast various types of natural resources. Classwork: Natural Resources Notes and Vocabulary Homework: Earth’s Structure Board Assignment and DE Scavenger Hunt due Tuesday, Oct. 31 Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources (Notes and Vocab.) Thursday, November 2.
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5C.1 Obtain and communicate information regarding the physical and chemical properties of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels to describe their importance as Earth resources. Objective: SWBAT analyze one type of natural resource. Classwork: Earth’s Structure Board Assignment and DE Scavenger Hunt due Tuesday, Oct. 31 (due today in Google Classroom) Natural Resources Presentations Work Day Homework: Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources (Notes and Vocab.) Thursday, November 2.
Wednesday, Nov.1, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5C.1 Obtain and communicate information regarding the physical and chemical properties of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels to describe their importance as Earth resources. Objective: SWBAT analyze one type of natural resource. Classwork: Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources Quiz Review Natural Resources Presentations Work Day Homework: Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources (Notes and Vocab.) Thursday, November 2.
Thursday, Nov.2, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5C.1 Obtain and communicate information regarding the physical and chemical properties of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels to describe their importance as Earth resources. Objective: SWBAT communicate the details of one type of natural resource. Classwork: Density, Earth’s Structure, and Natural Resources Quiz Natural Resources Presentations to class Homework: N/A
Friday, Nov.2, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5A.2 Use the rock cycle model to describe the relationship between the processes and forces that create igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Objective: SWBAT recall the major types of rocks. Classwork: Rock Cycle Vocabulary and Notes Homework: Study Rock Cycle Notes and Vocabulary