Learning Objective Write the Learning objective onto your Self Assessment Sheet LO: Learn how to add different types of Behaviours to objects & paths in a Game Environment
Starter Activity In pairs : Investigate the World > Idyll V07 Hint: “Load World and scroll through until you find IDYLL V07”
Environment Create a new world. Add : Land Water Hills Forest Clouds Can you add a bridge to go across the water in your world?
Adding Paths Add a plain path and an enemy to follow the path. Program the enemy to follow the plain path and shoot at the user. Program the users’ character to shoot when a button (of your choice) is pressed. EXTENSION: Find and have a look through the World Settings, experiment with these to see what affect they have on the game.
GAMEPLAY What is the type of Programming language you are learning? Visual language What are you giving the objects? Behaviours- instructions/code What makes a good game? Variables – factors that promote chance /mild peril that can be over come with skill What keeps people playing a game? Challenge – increasing as skills grows
Self Assessment Use your Self Assessment Sheet to assess your progress against today’s learning objective.