Bonfire Night Quiz Start This is an interactive PowerPoint presentation designed to test your knowledge of the history of Bonfire Night. Each slide has a white box for your guess. Click on the box and type your guess. As you type the box will change: blue text (correct so far), red box (incorrect), green box (correct) When you are ready to continue click the Start button at the top of the screen. Good luck!! Please note this presentation was created in PowerPoint 2003 but may work in other versions and it needs macros to be enabled to work. Any comments?
1. What date is bonfire night? Help Click in the box and type in your guess then click the Next button -> Next
2. Who’s gets burned on the fire?
3. Where did he get caught?
4. What event was due to happen?
5. In what year did this happen?
6. Who was he trying to assassinate?
7. What weapon was to be used?
8. How many barrels were there?
9. What faith were the plotters?
10. Who probably betrayed the plotters?
11. Who warned the King?
12. How were the main plotters to be executed? Exit Click in the box and type in your guess – click Exit to finish Back