Prehistory to Early Civilizations Paleolithic Era Civilization Neolithic Era
Prehistory: The period of time before writing existed It includes the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras
Paleolithic Era: 2 million BCE to 8000 BCE
Paleolithic Era 2 million BCE to 8000 BCE Old stone age: lasted from the appearance of man until the development of agriculture (farming)
Where are the oldest remains of humans found?
East Africa
Homo Sapiens Homo Sapiens (Modern man) Emerged in Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago
How did geography affect the lives of early humans?
Early humans were hunters and gatherers whose survival depended on the availability of wild plants and animals They were nomadic (they migrated in search of food, water, and shelter).
They migrated from Africa to Eurasia (Europe/Asia), Australia, and the Americas
Migration Out of Africa
What were the characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies during the Paleolithic era?
Because they followed herds of animals they lived in temporary shelters (caves and tents).
Spent most of their time hunting or gathering food and water necessary for survival.
Lived in clans (extended family groups)
Technology: The way people apply knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs.
What technologies were developed during the Paleolithic era?
simple tools and weapons (made of stone, wood, etc.)
oral (spoken) language
fire clothes (from animal skins and grasses)
cave art
The Age of Cave Art
Section Review The period of time before writing existed is called prehistory or paleolithic? Early humans arose in East Africa or Northern Europe? The scientific term for modern humans is homo sapiens or homo habilis? Early humans lived in extended family groups called villages or clans? Why were early humans nomadic? Name 5 technologies developed by Early Humans.
Section Review Why were early humans nomadic? They were searching for food, water, and shelter and following migrating animals. Name 5 technologies developed by Early Humans. simple tools and weapons, oral language, clothing, fire, and cave art