What were the first people in the Eastern Hemisphere? PA @ 71
Do Now Answer the following: How do you think humans developed on Earth?
How did humans develop? Scientists believe the first human-like beings developed about 3.5 million years ago. Modern humans, known as homo sapiens (“wise men”) probably developed about 200,000 years ago in Africa. Early humans were hunter-gatherers. They hunted animals and gathered plants for food. Humans would gather in small groups, and would develop language as a way to communicate about how food was given out.
How did humans spread across Earth? Until about 10,000 years ago, glaciers covered most of the Earth—an Ice Age. Humans would spread to all the other continents, except Antarctica, by 9000 BCE. As humans migrated, they adapted to their new environment, so they developed: Tools (fishing hooks, spears, bows and arrows) Transportation (canoes) Pets (dogs) Clothing (animal skins) Houses
Activity You’re the anthropologist. Each group has a set of pictures of fossil remains of early humans, or human-like beings. Examine each picture closely. How is it similar to modern humans? How is it different? Arrange the pictures in order from oldest to newest. Be prepared to explain why you chose that order.
Australopthecus afarensis About 3.5 million years ago
Homo habilis About 2 - 1.5 million years ago
Homo erectus About 1-1.3 million years ago
Homo heidelbergensis About 600,000 – 300,000 years ago
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis About 500,000 – 30,000 years ago
Homo sapiens sapiens About 200,000 years ago - today
Share Questions How did these beings change over time? How did these changes improve their chances of survival? Why do you think our species survived (homo sapiens sapiens) and the others died out?