Public Service Announcement Public Speaking Public Service Announcement
PSA Examples
Assignment This project explores the voting rights associated with felons A public service announcement (PSA) or public service ad, are messages in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue. For this project you will get into small groups of 3-4 and research information on the topic you choose Your group will draft a script that outlines the requirements You will need to create an ad of some kind: Poster or Flyer You will also record your message
Possible Topics Student rights and responsibilities at YMS Bullying Prevention Texting While Driving Safe Internet Practices Tolerance of Diversity School Safety Peer Pressure Other topic you can think of that I approve
Advertising You will be sharing your PSA in two ways Creating an informative poster or flyer to hang up in the hallway Creating a persuasive ad that will be recorded and shown to the class Mrs. Myers has offered for some PSAs to be read on the morning announcements by you! So, if this is something you would like to do, make it awesome so you can share it.
Deadlines 10/27: Watch examples, brainstorm topics, begin working on PSA outline 10/31: Complete persuasion map, begin writing script 11/02: Complete script, begin working on poster/flyer 11/04: Film video and edit 11/14: Present videos to class, peer evaluations, personal reflection