L5 only back-up mode EPO Inputs to IWG#26 05th Feb. 2014
L5 RAIM only mode at user level L5 only backup mode In case the L5 only backup mode need would be confirmed it could be implemented in several ways L5 RAIM only mode at user level SBAS L5 only NPA mode : only L1-L5 ISC bound has to be applied by the user. This value can be either broadcast (e.g. through MT F or defined by default within the MOPS. (Nearly) neutral in terms of impacts on DFMC ICD. SBAS L5 only PA (limited to PA service area): this mode necessitates to broadcast the following additional information (impacts on DFMC ICD) GIVD and GIVE, ISCs and associated bounds, (TBC) General alarm message for iono. Yet, with enhanced DFMC ICD, not enough bandwidth on SBAS L5 for transmitting these additional data when more than two constellations are augmented and L1 like time to first start constraint is maintained Possibility of relaxing TTFS to 150-200s to be discussed 17 January 2014 MSIL2 2