NIRT: Molecular Spin-Active Nanoelectronics Grant# ECS-0609469 PIs: M. F. Crommie,a J. R. Long,b H. K. Park,c,d F. Hellmana,e aU.C. Berkeley Physics Dept., bU.C. Berkeley Chemistry Dept., cHarvard Chemistry Dept., dHarvard Physics Dept., eU.C. Berkeley Materials Science and Engineering Dept. METHODS: Synthesize new species of magnetic molecules engineered for specific structural and magneto-electronic behaviors. Analyze molecular behavior on substrates and in device heterostructures utilizing spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, magnetization probes, and magnetotransport. OBJECTIVES: Create new nanodevices utilizing molecular quantum spin as the active element in combined magnetic molecule/inorganic heterostructures. Investigate fundamental physical behavior of magnetic molecules at surfaces and buried interfaces, and correlate this behavior with nanodevice properties. RESULTS: We have explored the behavior of single magnetic molecules in field-effect device structures, and at an electrode surface using scanning tunneling microscopy. We have explored organic/inorganic magnetic molecular networks by building them from the bottom up using atomic and molecular manipulation techniques. Objective Results: Single Magnetic Molecule Nanoelectronics Methods Results: Single Magnetic Molecule Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Results: Magnetic Molecule Spin Networks from the Bottom Up