Huck Finn Chapters 1-3
Expert Assignment You, along with a few other students, will become an expert on one theme in Huck Finn Note the theme/ page numbers as you read the novel. Connect to modern examples You will get time to work with your group in class During revision, your team will present on your topic
Sign Up for themes You can sign up during work time or after class There are only 3 slots per theme Themes: Freedom Superstitions Religion Money/ Wealth Nature vs. Society Man vs. Himself Gender Roles Education/ Ignorance Alcohol/ Sobriety Humor Life Lessons/ How to be a Man Twain’s Social Commentary
A Quiz!
1. Which character constantly nags at Huckleberry to sit up straight and lectures him about heaven and hell? Miss Watson
2. Describe the trick that Tom plays on Jim, one of the slaves at the Widow Douglas’ house. He sneaks up to Jim, who is sleeping near a tree, and slides off the man’s hat. Then, Tom hangs the hat on a limb way up over Jim’s head. When Jim awakens, he figures witches must have done it.
3. Huck Finn almost isn’t allowed to join Tom Sawyer’s Gang because he doesn’t have a family that could be killed if he betrays the group. How does Huck solve this problem? He offers that the other boys can kill Miss Watson.
4. Some people believe that Pap was the unidentifiable drowned body that was found a few miles above town, but Huck knows it wasn’t Pap because of how the body was found. Keeping in mind that Huck has a weird understanding of science, explain the reason Huck believes the body wasn’t Pap but was, instead, a woman. The body was found floating on its back. Huck says that a drowned man only floats face- down in the water, but a drowned woman would float face-up. The dead body, he reasons, must have been a woman. Logic?
5. Explain the business deal between Huck and Judge Thatcher Huck knows that Pap is back solely to get Huck’s $6000 dollars, so he “sells” the cash to Judge Thatcher for one dollar. Basically, the judge will safeguard the money for Huck.
Next Week’s Reading Schedule Due Monday: Chapters 5-7 Due Wednesday: Chapters 8-10 Due Thursday: Chapters 11-12 Due Friday: Chapters 13-15