Pan European Customer Satisfaction - EPSI Rating for coordinated analysis and benchmarking Presentation at IPSG Meeting, Helsinki, 6th July 2006 Ms Lydia Nagel, EFQM
EPSI Rating –history The first systematic customer satisfaction studies - based on similar principles as EPSI Rating – were started in Sweden in 1989; During the period 1995 – 98 tests and methodological development took place on a Pan European basis, with a.o. the EFQM; In 1997 – 98, a feasibility study took place supported by the European Commisison; A pilot study with 11 countries and 5 common sectors was conducted and reported in 1999; Since than annual studies have been conducted in 8 – 20 countries.
Common sectors and industries EPSI Rating started with a focus on: Retail banking Insurance Supermarkets Telecoms (especially mobile phone operators) Public services have been added step-by-step, including: Education Health Care for elders and children Public administration
EPSI Rating – governance
EPSI Rating – governance Agreements for EPSI national studies are signed with national platforms (often including EFQM partners); The secretariat (coordination, data analysis, Pan European reporting, etc. hosted by Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)).
EPSI survey objective A measurement of customer satisfaction and key success factors; of organisations on a specific market; via periodical analyses by a neutral institution.
Design & Methodology - Cause-Effect / Validation Loyalty Trust
Data collection A set of master questionnaires is developed and tested; The wording is calibrated on the Pan-European level (with adoption to national “peculiarities”); About 35 questions are included in the master questionnaire; Representative sample of current customers; Only qualified field interviewers from recognized survey organizations - and specially trained - are used.
Data Analysis
Satisfaction and Loyalty Data Analysis - Financial institutions – Scandinavia 2005 CSI Satisfaction and Loyalty Loyalty
Data Analysis
Currently strong emphasis on developing stakeholders Including also coordinated studies of employees to assess the relationship between satisfying the employees and the external customers/users (cf. EFQM Excellence Model) Society Results and Corporate Governance analysis from a stakeholder perspective (how do different stakeholders perceive the organisation), (cf. EFQM Excellence Model)
The EFQM Excellence Model Constitute the coordinating framework
Reasons for using the EPSI Framework Offers coordinated studies making benchmarking possible in reality, not only formally; Give information to prioritize, and to monitor effects of strategic/policy changes; The analysis tool is based on state-of-the art methodology, and many research teams are engaged in successive improvements; Independent, not-for-profit, supported by any such as EFQM.