Measurements of some J/ and c decays at BES Zhou Nengfeng Representing BES Collaboration Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Outline Introduction Some branching ratio measurements of J/ decays Measurements of some c decays c Mass and Width c decay Branching ratios Summary ~ QWG ~
J/ Introduction (2S) World J/ and (2S) Samples (×106) BESII Detector BESII 58M J/ J/ BESII 14M (2S) VC: xy = 100 m TOF: T = 180 ps MDC: xy = 220 m BSC: E/E= 21 % dE/dx= 8.5 % = 7.9 mr p/p=1.78(1+p2) z = 2.3 cm counter: r= 3 cm B field: 0.4 T z = 5.5 cm BES is a conventional solenoidal magnet detector. Here are the parameters of different sub detectors. 58 million J/psi samples have been collected with the BES detector, which is the largest Jpsi sample in the world. (2S) ~ QWG ~
Measurement of J/ → +-0 (I) from direct J/ decay: The largest J/ decays involving hadronic resonances is J/ → (770). Its branching ratio has been reported by many experiment groups assuming all +-0 come from (770). The precision of these measurements vary from 13% to 25%. With the data collected by BES, two independent measurements for the branching ratio are done through J/ and (2S) samples respectively. ******************* The first method is an absolute measurement based on J/+ - 0 samples directly. Here is the result through Jpsi samples. Br (J/ →+-0) = (21.840.052.01)10-3 Phys. Rev. D 70, 012005 (2004) ~ QWG ~
Measurement of J/ → +-0 (II) from (2S) decay: Br (J/ →+-0) = ( The second method is a relative measurement which is based on the comparison of the rates for J/+ - 0 and J/+ - using J/ events produced via (2S)+ - J/ Combined BES value: (21.01.2)10-3 PDG: (15.0 2.0) 10-3 inconsistent ! Barbar’s recently result (21.81.9)10-3 support BES ! hep-ex/0408078 This formula is used to calculate branching ratio of Jpsi->pi+pi-pi0. The result is 20.9times ten to minus 3. …. Which is inconsistent with PDG value. Our result has better precision. Consistent with the latest result of (BELLE?) ~ QWG ~
The branching ratio of J/ → KsKl (I) The available Br (J/ Ks Kl ) come from DMII and MARK III. These measurements have relative errors of about 18%. Ks Momentum is used to fit the J/ → KsKl. The result is: Br (J/ Ks Kl ) = (1.82±0.04±0.13)×10-4 This result is higher than the PDG value Br (J/ Ks Kl ) = (1.08±0.14)×10-4 MC Bkg K*0KS+c.c. Signal The branching ratio of jpsi->kskl is measured by fitting signal in the Ks momentum spectra. Ks sideband Phys. Rev. D69, 012003 (2004) ~ QWG ~
The branching ratio of J/ → KsKl (II) There is a prediction of the relation between J/ and (2s) decay branching ratios to the same hadronic final states, that is While some channels obey the so called “12% rule”, others violate this rule very badly. Thus it is interesting to test this rule for KsKl decay, which can only be produced through SU(3) symmetry-breaking, strong decays of these charmonium states. With the Br ((2s) KsKl) = (5.24±0.47±0.48)×10-5 measured by the BES, considering the common errors which cancel out in the calculation of ratio between the two branching ratios, we can get which is enhanced more than 4 relative to the pQCD “12% rule”. The branching ratio of jpsi->kskl is measured by fitting signal in the Ks momentum spectra. ~ QWG ~
Measurement of Phys. Lett. B 591, 42 (2004) Lots of measurements have been done for the J/psi->ppbar decay. The branching ratio and angular distribution parameter alpha are measured with our data sample. Here si the angular distribution. OUR results have better precision. The obtained is in good agreement with predictions of first-order QCD. Phys. Lett. B 591, 42 (2004) ~ QWG ~
First measurement of J/ f2(1270)f2(1270)4 (I) Preliminary results J/ f2(1270)f2(1270) f2(1270) draft Clear J/ f2(1270)f2(1270) signal is seen in the M 14 VS M 23 scatter plot with M4 >2.6GeV. Where the 1 ( 3) and 2 (4 ) are the + and - with higher (lower) momentum. f2(1270) can also be clearly seen in the projection of M 14 and M 23 . ~ QWG ~
First measurement of J/ f2(1270)f2(1270)4 (II) 2nd polynomial backgrounds J/f2 f2 Preliminary results f2 background The invariant mass spectrum of + - with mass cut |M + - - 1.27|<0.185GeV for another + - pair is used to fit the signal. Four components are used in the fit. The branching ratio is measured for the first time to be: The Branching ratio of Jpsi->gamma f2f2 decay is measured for the first time. The invariant mass spectrum of pi+pi- is used to fit the signal. Four components are used in the fit. Here is jpsi->gamma f2f2 signal, here is 2nd. Here is a rho signal. Here is f2rhopi background, which has special contribution to the f2 signal. The branching ratio is … submitted to P. R. D. hep-ex/0408026 ~ QWG ~
Measurement of J/ 0, , ’ (I) The decays of J/ VP are allowed in strong and electromagnetic reactions and the diagrams contributing to J/ VP are shown in the Fig: (a) Three gluon annihilation; (b) electromagnetic decay proceeding via annihilation to one photon. Preliminary results The measured branching ratio of J/+ - 0 is (21.01.2)10-3, which is higher than PDG value about 30%. Since the dominant dynamics in the J/+ - 0 is J/ (770). So the branching ratio of J/ (770) measured by BES is also greater than those former analysis. So it’s important to determine the branching ratios of other J/ VP decays. Three other J/ VP decays , J/ 0, , ’, are analyzed in different final states. different channels are used to measure the branching ratio of Jpsi->phi eta, phi eta’. The final results are combined from different channels. ~ QWG ~
Measurement of J/ 0, , ’ (II) No 0 signal is seen in the J/ decays. So only up limit is set for the branching ratio of J/ 0. Clear , ’ can been seen in different final states. The final branching ratio of J/ , ’ are combined from different channels. These branching ratios are higher than the PDG value. Preliminary results different channels are used to measure the branching ratio of Jpsi->phi eta, phi eta’. The final results are combined from different channels. ~ QWG ~
First measurement of J/2( + - ), 3( + - ) Preliminary results Clear signal can be seen in the distribution of M from J/ 2( + - ). Clear signal can be seen in the distribution of M from J/ 3( + - ). The branching ratios of J/2( + - ), 3( + - ) are measured for the first time: Br (J/ 2( + - )) = (2.26±0.08±0.27)×10-3 Br (J/ 3( + - )) = (7.24±0.96±1.11)×10-4 different channels are used to measure the branching ratio of Jpsi->phi eta, phi eta’. The final results are combined from different channels. ~ QWG ~
c mass, width measurement (I) Since 1980, numerous efforts have been made to determine the mass and full width of the c . However, from a theoretical point of view, the accuracies of these experimental measurements are still not sufficient. So additional, more precise measurements of both M c and c are needed. A combined fit of the above five channels are done to get the mass and width of c . ~ QWG ~
c mass, width measurement (II) The c mass and width measurements of BES are in good agreement with PDG value. They have been adopted by PDG 2004. BESII result Phys. Lett. B 555(2003)174 – 180 ~ QWG ~
Some c branching ratios measurement Hadronic decays of the c have been studied by Mark III, DM2, and other experiments. However, the branching fractions of the c still have very large errors in the Particle Data Group compilation. More recently the branching fractions of c have been measured by the Belle experiment, and it’s smaller than the PDG value. More measurements of the branching ratio of c are needed. BES measured the following branching ratios and compared them with PDG. Most of the results are consistent with PDG. The branching fractions of c support Belle’s result. The branching ratio of those channels used in the etac mass measurement are shown in the table. Phys. Lett. B 578(2004)16 – 22 ~ QWG ~
Summary Some branching ratios of Jpsi decays are measured. Some of the results challenged the PDG values, such as J/ → +-0 ,J/ → KsKl and J/ , ’. Some of the results supported the PDG value, such as . Further more, some new branching ratios are measured for the first time, such as J/ f2(1270)f2(1270) and J/2( + - ), 3( + - ) Measurements of c decays Precise c mass, width measurement are done, which improved the PDG value. More results about branching ratios of c decays are obtained. ~ QWG ~