Collecting and Disseminating Knowledge: Contemporary Global Resources I am going to talk to you today about a variety of online contemporary global resources That PCD hosts and is delighted to be re launching today. These fora are hosted by PCD with the aim of collecting & disseminating knowledge on SHN Managed by the website team, under the direction of Celia Maier Presentation delivered by Alice Woolnough on behalf of PCD
The Global Resource on: School Health, Nutrition & HIV Contemporary and online Upgrade launched today The biggest of these resources is the Schools & Health website The Schools & Health website Global Resource on: School Health, Nutrition & HIV The website was established in 2002 by PCD In response to the demand for a global website covering school health and nutrition, with the support of the agencies listed. This was the first global school health and nutrition site, the first site to bring together information on HIV and education It provides a platform for NGO’s, UN Agencies, Governments and Donors to access reliable information in the area. LAUNCHED TODAY
Why re-launch the sites? This is a screen shot of the old Schools and Health site that I am sure many of you will recognise The site has grown significantly since it’s launch in 2002. This growth has been organic In explaining the following slides, I will expand on the increased usage of the sites that prompted us to take stock and redesign the sites that we are launching today to enable their further growth and development This will include using three different indicators to demonstrate the increase in the sites usage: number of website hits, number of documents downloaded and ranking of the website
School Health & Nutrition Web Site: hits/month, January 2003 – December 2006 School Health & Nutrition Web Site: hits per year, month & day Jan. 03 – Dec 06 The schools health and nutrition website is going from strength to strength Use of the website is consistently growing, as demonstrated by this slide, which shows the number of hits / month from 2003 – 2006 The scale along the side is of total number of hits /month. Along the bottom is time, from Jan 03 – December 06. The different colours show the different years. The trend has been has been consistent growth, culminating in over a million hits in 2006. It is this consistent growth in traffic that promoted the re-design and re launch People access the sites from across the globe and many of them are from countries with poor internet connections. Key feature of the new site is that the site will recognise the speed of a viewers internet connection. Uploading a version that is compatible with their internet connection speed.
School Health & Nutrition Web Site: Download file requests, 2003 -2007 Contemporary and quality assured information is provided, including 200+ downloadable documents, from strategy and policy documents to technical reviews and toolkits. Translations of many of these documents are now available in languages including French, Portuguese and Spanish with some documents available also in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Kiswahili, and Russian. This reflects the diverse readership of the Schools and Health website. This graph shows how the number of document download requests has increased over the past 5 years • Over 1,000 requests for document downloads per day The new site is designed to provide quicker downloads 2007: Over 1,000 requests for document downloads per day
2007: Over 2,000 hits per day & over 400 unique visitors per day School Health & Nutrition Web Site: monthly traffic*, June 2007 to May 2008 *data are from traffic, visit sessions and page views – available from This graph shows the popularity of the schools and health website’s monthly ranking compared to that for all other sites Demonstrates the sites increasing popularity month on month. In 2007, the Schools and Health website received a mean of: • Over 2,000 hits per day • Over 400 unique visitors per day Now that the new site has been launched, we will be using Google analytics – this will allow us much greater flexibility to monitor the use of the websites, including giving us access to usages details on individual pages For further information about and how the data are derived, see 2007: Over 2,000 hits per day & over 400 unique visitors per day
Increased Functionality New Design Increased Functionality Increased Access Increased Content The re launched site has: Modern Design Increased Functionality, including the ability to host online forums, for partners to manage sections remotely and an upgraded search mechanism. Increased access for locations with slow connections Increased and updated content, including the new FFE sub site The logo’s not only show those partners that endorse and support the site, but also those shows those partners that the site links through to The new focus on specific areas, is also highlighted, including the sub-sites (such as the current West and East African HIV and education network pages and the FFE subsite) There are easy to navigate tabs along the top, which take you directly to different areas of the site. The tabs along the side can be used to take you to specific sections such as the section on malaria or on education issues. Sub sites: This is a link to the west African HIV and education network pages, this is a link to the food for education pages and this is a link to the East Africa network pages. Clicking on one of these will take you straight to the sub-site. For example clicking on the link to the West African HIV and Education Network site, will take you to the sub-sites front page – I will talking more on these shortly LAUNCHED TODAY
Country Programme Database Database of programmes from around the world Highlights good practice Up-to-date information on in-country activities Searchable by country and/or by topic Database SHN programmes from around the world Highlights good practice Provide the most up-to-date information on in-country activities Can search by country or by topic Each individual item also gives information on: The intervention, it’s target population, the project period and the project implementers and funders along with the cost and source of information
Related Sites Managed by PCD HIV & Education Networks Food for Education FRESH Portal (Focusing Resources on Effective School Health) PCD
Schools&Health: Network sub-sites MoE HIV FP Networks are now leading the regional response to HIV in SSA, as mentioned in Anthi’s Accelerate presentation, The West and Eastern African networks have network pages, hosted within the schools and health site. The purpose of these sites is to provide members with an online facility to share ideas, documents and good practice. The Network sites are managed in partnership with the Networks by PCD, UNESCO/BREDA and the World Bank. These re launched sites will inlcude increased functionality, including an interactive message board. There is the facility for the countries to showcase their own information under the flags Central Africa, lusophone sites planned
Schools&Health: Food for Education sub site Launched in 2007, in partnership with the World Food Programme and partners Hosted within the Schools and Health website, the Food for Education (FFE) site Allows international agencies, national governments, non-governmental organizations and the civil society to access and share reliable information on school feeding. Data are provided and updated by agencies operating school feeding programmes across the globe. School feeding assessment and cost issues are addressed. Documents are available for download. The Discussion Forum and Mailing List enable greater interaction between organizations involved in FFE. The Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) Portal Established at the request of, and in collaboration with, the FRESH founding partners (UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank) The site acts as a portal for the viewer, Linking to all FRESH partner sites as well as other relevant technical sites. The FRESH portal also contains key FRESH Framework documents. Redesigned in 2007 for launch in 2008, the PCD website ( is designed to showcase our organization. It contains current information on who we are, what we do and where we work. The PCD website links to the Schools and Health website, which provides the technical content for our work.
Thank you Thank you for listening and please do visit our sites for more information on everything covered here today. Any questions?