STEM Fair: Creating a Data Table 5th Grade Monday Inquiry Week 8 Power point is to provide pacing. The lesson plan template provides the specific details.
Process Skill Connection: Collecting Data Creating a Data Table Before scientists actually start their experiments, they think about what they can use to collect and record their data. The tool that they often use is called a data table. Data tables can look very different depending on the type of data that is being collected.
Your Turn: Student Independent Work Log stop: Record your data table in your log. Label this entry “data table” in your log. Make sure to add the date. Questions to consider for reflection: How did you choose which information should be included in your data table? Why is it important to include all of the data from all of the trials in your chart?
Process Skill Connection: Investigating Collecting Data Process Skill Connection: Investigating Collecting Data Collect the Data: You are finally ready to carry out your experiment and collect the data! It is critical that you follow our step by step directions and update your directions as well as your materials list if you find that you need to make changes to make the experiment more clear and replicable for other scientists. At this time, carry out your experiment making sure you record all data and observations in your data table!