Understanding your Lesson Plan Template 8th Grade ELA Huskies: Behind the Books
Standard Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other This is where you will list the standard that they will be teaching. A standard is a term used in education to define and track what a student should know and master at their Specific grade level!
Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other Target Skills This is where you will list the different target skills that the assignment meets. Target skills are essentially the goal of the student and the teacher.
I Can Statements This is where you will list the I Can Statements. Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other This is where you will list the I Can Statements. After mastering these standards and skills, what specifically will the individual student be able to claim that they can DO now? I Can Statements
Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other This is where you will list what materials will be needed for this specific lesson. Will they need pencils, paper, graphic organizers? What about a computer or their book? Materials
Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other This is where you will list what resources you will use for the specific lesson. What websites do the teacher’s need, or specific information that will help the teachers TEACH and the students LEARN? Resources
Assignment/Activity Description Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other This is where you will DESCRIBE, step-by-step, what the teacher and the class will do during this lesson. When does the teacher pass out the papers, read the book to or with them? When does the teacher assign the groups or materials?! Assignment/Activity Description
Standard: Notes Target Skills: I Can Statement: Materials: Resources: Assignment/Activity Description: Other Do you have any special notes or additional instructions to add to the plan? If so, put them here! Other
Now, let’s go create that lesson plan!