How to read a food label
How companies might deceive you on a food label: Unrealistic serving size - chips Servings per container - muffin, cheetos Packaging - pop tart listing an amount and then having a “ * ” - Mac n’ Cheese see examples on next slides…
Label Deception-Serving Size: Servings Size: 6 chips Servings per Container: 20 Calories: 130 (x20) Total Fat: 6 grams (x20)
In a minute, each person will choose a product and fill in a worksheet. Here is what you’ll be looking at: 8
Hand out worksheet, but not food product yet. Can you figure it yourself?: #1 A&W Restaurantィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae #2 #3 servings per container (just one for this product, so see next slide)
IS THIS PRODUCT HEALTHY?13 Ever wondered, “Is this product ‘healthy’?... Today you will see how to determine if a product is “healthy” for you. To be in the vending machines at many schools it has to be less than: < 35% (calories from) fat + < 35% (weight from) sugar (or no more than 15 grams) 10
Hand out worksheet, but not food product yet. Can you figure it yourself?: #1 A&W Restaurantィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae #2 #3 servings per container (just one for this product, so see next slide)
#3 If there is more than 1 Serving per container Total Fat x 2 = _______ Sugars x 2 = ______ 12
Test Yourself: A&W RestaurantィChocolate Fudge Sundae #3 #3 Is it Realistic? Deceptive?
#4 Total Fat? Saturated fat? Trans fat? 14
#5 sugars are measured by weight 15
IS THIS PRODUCT HEALTHY ENOUGH TO BE IN OUR VENDING MACHINES? machine at school it has to be less than: < 35% (calories from) fat + < 35% (weight from) sugar (or no more than 15 grams)
Sometimes the % Fat is easy to figure in your head #6 Calories from Fat ÷ Calories= ________ Less than 35%?? yes___ no____
Can you estimate the % of fat here?
Test Yourself: A&W RestaurantィChocolate Fudge Sundae #7. 15 gr. divided by 189 = _______ + no more than 15? (barely!) Less than 35%?? yes _____ no ______
-look at calories if you want to lose weight (and servings!) Here is a "generic" way to look at the label information: -look at calories if you want to lose weight (and servings!) -look at fat (total and saturated) if you want to lose body fat/get 6-pack abs! (or if you have heart/ medical problems -look at protein if you want to build muscle Good fat example: Total fat is 16 Sat. fat is 1 BUT, if you want to lose weight- count calories: 6 servings per container: calories 170 x 6 = ____________ !!!!