I am a Practice Manager
Sign in to the Fusion Portal using your login e-mail.
You are on the ‘Worklist’ tab Taylor your view by selecting different clinic sites, status of your cases, practitioner names, etc. You are on the ‘Worklist’ tab Default view is set to 3 months ago. If you want to change this, select the desired dates from the calendar Always apply the filter button to obtain the view you want Navigate to the case to assign/ re-assign to a practitioner
Let’s go back to the Worklist Navigate to case assignment tab to assign the case You can assign this case to yourself or… You can assign/ re-assign the case to a practitioner Select the name of the practitioner, and click ‘Assign’ The practitioner has been updated here. The case will also be available on their worklist
You are on the ‘Worklist’ tab again You can now view your discharged cases If you need a holistic view of all your invoices, why not visit the ‘Invoices’ tab Expand here to view all invoices associated to the case Click here to download a pdf of the invoice
You can view here all ‘Pending Payments’, ‘Approved Payments’, etc. Do you need to deactivate practitioners who left your site? Navigate to the ‘User Management’ tab to see a view of all your active practitioners You can view here all ‘Pending Payments’, ‘Approved Payments’, etc. You are on the ‘Invoices’ tab Don’t forget to apply the filter Click here to download a pdf of the invoice
When you are ready, you can log out here You are on the ‘User Management’ tab If you would like to make anyone Practice Manager, you can do so here. Please note you can no longer deactivate them and you will give them the same access as yourself Select a specific site you work at or display them all Deactivate practitioners who left or re-activate them if they return
Thank you for watching. We hope you enjoyed the small tutorial explaining the new Fusion Portal features for the Practice Manager and you will find the Fusion Portal easier to navigate.