Math Learning Expedition Erie 2 BOCES- July 28-30 (3-day session) or July 28- August 1, 2014 (5-day session)
Preparing for the 2014-2015 School Year Leaders of Their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through Student-Engaged Assessment, authored by Ron Berger, Leah Rugen, and Libby Woodfin.
Day 1- Refining Learning Targets I can identify 2-3 long term learning targets that span across the unit and describe these targets in student-friendly language. I can write supporting learning targets that outline the incremental steps towards achieving the long-term learning targets. I can use the language in the standards to confirm that my targets are aligned to the standards in the type of learning and the complexity of thinking required. I can craft character learning targets that highlight the mathematical practices developed through this unit and the students’ progress towards thinking and working like a mathematician. I can develop a process and a plan to give my students an opportunity to reflect upon their progress towards meeting the short and long term learning targets on a daily basis. I can create a learning target map that illustrates how the learning targets in my first unit of instruction are related.
Day 2- Checking for Understanding & Using Data with Students I can select the questions for students to respond to verbally or in writing that are the most essential for gauging their understanding of the learning target(s). I can identify the sources of data that my students have accessed in the past and reflect upon the mindset (fixed or growth) that was promoted. I can craft character learning targets that are necessary for creating an environment where students can safely analyze their strengths and weaknesses. I can develop a tool and a plan for my students to analyze and track errors.
Day 3- Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback & Planning Instructional Input I can identify a complex skill or procedure required by my learning targets that would be hard to develop without models, critique, or descriptive feedback. I can create a model or create a plan for gathering models of exemplary responses. I can provide descriptive feedback to a sample student response that is kind, specific, and helpful. (Ultimately we want students to be able to provide this type of feedback to each other, but we will start by practicing how we would model this complex skill for our students.) I can plan my instruction by highlighting the instructional input, fluency practice, application problems, reflection questions, and checks for understanding that are necessary to equip the students and track their progress towards meeting the learning targets.
Materials to Bring With you Assessments for your first unit of study. Curriculum materials Calendar Curriculum map (PK-5, 6-8, 9-12) Progressions Document(s) related to your first unit of study. Standards for your first unit of study. If you have gathered any samples of student work or have models that you have shared with the students for the first unit, please bring them. Laptop (We do have some available to use.)
Days 4-5 Continue Planning and Preparing Instruction for the Fall Optional Breakout Sessions based upon participant interest. We will poll you to determine the most relevant breakout sessions. Standards Based Grading Learning Together- Share ideas of how collaboration is helping you save time/ create a plan to use collaborations opportunities more efficiently. Technology to Support Instruction and Learning- a few possible topics SMARTBoard Lessons iPad’s- sharing useful apps and ways to use the iPad as a learning tool, paperless classrooms Flipped Classroom Model Word- equation editor, table creation, etc. Google SketchUp for 3D drawing, geometric/ spatial relationship, and learning how to follow directions Edmodo- free classroom environment for discussions and sharing work. Live Scribes- Record narration paired with written work.
Other Mathematics Sessions July 17- Webinars Understanding the Structure of the Story of Units Curriculum- 9:00 am to 10:00 am Understanding the Structure of the Story of Ratios Curriculum- 11:00 am to 12:00 am Understanding the Structure of the Story of Functions Curriculum- 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm August 6- Webinars Arrays to Area Models (9:00 am to 9:30 am)
Other Sessions August 6- Building Coherence through Models Webinars Arrays to Area Models- Models for repeated addition/subtraction- multiplication and division (9:00 am- 9:20 am) Bundles to Disks- Models for extending place value strategies (9:30 am- 9:50am) 10-frames and the Rekenrek- Models built around 5’s and 10’s (10:00 am-10:20 am) Number lines- Open, Closed, Horizontal and Vertical (10:30 am- 10:50 am) Resources on the EngageNY Video Library Number Path, Number Stairs, and Number Bonds (numbers through 10) Addition Models Tape Diagrams