Run4 f K+K- analysis: analysis train Dipali Pal Vanderbilt University Light/Heavy PWG April 21, 2005
Status of fK+K- Analysis Module Location of codes in CVS : offline/AnalysisTrain/CabanaBoy/DPDSMphiCutter.h offline/AnalysisTrain/CabanaBoy/DPDSMphiCutter.C offline/AnalysisTrain/CabanaBoy/DPDSMphiHistos.h offline/AnalysisTrain/CabanaBoy/DPDSMphiHistos.C Location of macro in CVS : offline/AnalysisTrain/CabanaBoy/macros/analyze_phikk_train.C Valgrind output : Valgrind summary file: Input File Type : CNT Output histograms (defined in DPDSMphiHistos.C): 1D : Invariant mass, 2D : Invariant mass vs. mT, 3D : mass vs. mT vs (Y12 – phi) Job status [ event class (cent, z, RP) = (10, 5, 1)] : Wall time: 132 sec/file, Cpu time: 84 sec/file Max Memory usage ~490 M
Goals for May 12 analysis fest Invariant mass spectrum in TOF-TOF, TOF-EAST, EAST-EAST, WEST-WEST and Full dataset. Line shape analysis plots (mass centroid vs centrality and width vs centrality) mT spectra (from at least TOF-TOF combination) in different centralities (more bins than run2). v2 analysis update (from at least TOF-TOF) - v2 vs pT - v2 vs centrality - v2 vs pT at different centralities
Simulation status 50 M PISA events each for ++ and - - B-field configuration has been generated at Vanderbilt Computing facility ACCRE. PISA nDST reconstruction is in progress at ACCRE. Project 58 at
What is still needed? EMCAL hadron PID -- work in progress SUNY Phys: timing recalibration SUNY Chem: Beam motion correction VU: isK, isPi and isP function calibrations Hadron QA
First look at fKK spectra ~10K f mesons from ~66 M events Presented in 24th Feb PWG meeting Using both East and West arms.
Comparison of f yields with Run2 Au-Au dataset - I Run2 TOF-TOF f yield per M min bias evt ~ 1482/20 ~ 74 Run4 TOF-TOF f yield per M min bias evt ~ 1496/66 ~ 23 Run4 f yield / Run2 f yield ~ 31% TOF pair efficiency has been reduced to about 30%
Comparison of f yields with Run2 Au-Au dataset - II MC results: Analyzed ~10M pisa events for Run4 ++ field configuration and compared that with Run2. Ratio of f mesons accepted by TOF (in PISA) in Run4 and Run2 setup ~45% efficiency loss in Run4 compared to Run2 by central arm magnetic field configurations Need to compare dead areas -- Comparisons are in progress at the DST level.