My Life Story By: Birthplace SLIDE 1 1. Select The Text Box around By: and enter your name.
What Do I Look Like? Add five bullets SLIDE 2 1. Click in the text box and add five bullets about your appearance. For example, I have a nice smile. I have blue eyes.
My Hobbies Click & Add 5 Hobby Bullets SLIDE 3 1. Click in the bullet text box and add five of your hobbies. Make sure you select the text: Click & Add 5 Hobby Bullets.
My Family SLIDE 4 Don’t worry about doing this chart, we will make it in class.
My Class Schedule DAYS/TIMES 9-10am 10-11am 12-1pm 1-2pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SLIDE 5 1. Double click on the table. 2. Fill in the correct times of your schedule. 3. Pull down the file menu and select Close and Return to My Story.
My Strengths Click & Add 5 Strengths. SLIDE 6 1. Click in the bullet text box and add five of your strengths. Make sure you select the text: Click & Add 5 Strengths.
My Favorite Sounds
My Favorite Video
My Favorite Photo
Things That May Surprise You Click & Add 3 bullets. Slide 10 1. Select the text box and add 3 things that may surprise us about you. Make sure you select the text: Click & Add 5 Strengths.
THE END Slide 11 1. Select the WordArt and change its formatting to suit your slide theme. Use the features under the Drawing Tools, Format tab.