Question and Answer Samples and Techniques Safety Quiz Show Question and Answer Samples and Techniques
What are Federal OSHA’s Top 10 Violations? 1. 6. Fall Protection Ladders 2. Hazard Communication 7. Powered Industrial Trucks 3. 8. Machinery & Machine Guarding Scaffolding 4. Respiratory Protection 9. Fall Protection (Training Requirements) 5. LOTO 10. Electrical/Wiring
What are the RTLB I Standards – “Preventing Fatalities” for MNM? 1. 7. Operating speed & control of eqpt. Machinery, eqpt., tools, used beyond design 8. Parking procedures for unattended eqpt. 2. Work on power circuits 9. Safety belts & lines 3. Brake performance 10. Bins, hoppers, silos, bins, surge piles 4. Procedures during repair or maint. 11. Stay clear of suspended loads 5. Seat belts worn 12. Barricades & warning signs 6. Seat belts provided in haul trucks 13. Ground support use
What are the RTLB II Standards – “Preventing Common Mining Deaths” for MNM? 1. 4. New task training Safety defects; examination, correction, & records 2. 5. Wall, bank, & slope stability Life jackets and belts 6. Safety defects; examination, correction, & records (underground) 3. Correction of hazardous conditions
What are California’s Top 10 fatal occupations (2016)? 1. 6. Drivers / Sales / Truck Drivers Electricians 2. Agricultural Workers 7. Taxi & Chauffeur Drivers 3. 8. Police Officers Construction Laborers 4. Laborers and Material Movers 9. Logging Workers Interestingly enough, miner is not on the list 5. Grounds Maintenance Workers 10. Cashiers
What are California’s fatal injuries by event or exposure in 2016? 1. Transportation 4. Contact with objects or eqpt. 2. 5. Violence by persons or animal Exposure to harmful substances or environments 3. Falls, slips, trips 6. Fires & explosions
What are NSC’s Top unintentional injuries and deaths at home (outside of work) in 2017? 1. Poisoning 4. Choking & suffocation 2. Motor vehicle crashes 5. Drowning 3. Falls 6. Fires & burns 7. Natural & environmental incidents
How many seconds on average are drivers eyes taken off the road when they are texting? B. 8.4 seconds C. 6.2 seconds D. 4.6 seconds Length of 371 feet at 55 mph (more than the length of a football field) E. 12.1 seconds
In 2014, what percentage of drivers involved in fatal crashes were partially or totally ejected from their vehicle? A. 30% B. 55% C. 25% D. 10% E. 2%
What percentage of fatal crashes in work zones involve at least one large truck? 30% B. 85% C. 70% D. 45% E. 20%
What time of day are workers most likely to be injured? 12:01 AM – 4:00AM B. 4:01AM – 8:00AM C. 8:01AM – 12:00PM D. 12:01PM – 4:00PM E. 4:01PM – 8:00PM F. 8:01PM – 12:00AM
What day of the week are workers most likely to be injured? Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday E. Thursday F. Friday G. Saturday
MEN or WOMEN? MEN or WOMEN? Who makes up the majority of fatalities due to transportation incidents? MEN or WOMEN? MEN or WOMEN?
How many RTLB are there for MNM? 20 13 in RTLB I 6 in RTLB III 1 in RTLB IV