Chastity Trythall, Landon Everett, Patrick Fay, Hugo Dameme ECE (AD)Ventures The Droid Builders you are Looking for Chastity Trythall, Landon Everett, Patrick Fay, Hugo Dameme
Biography Name: Landon Everett Year: First Year Major: Aerospace Engineering What I learned in this course: The basic fundamentals of electrical engineering and coding. UF Plans and Goals: To graduate with an aerospace engineering degree. Career Plans and Goals: To be able to find a job right out of college. Advice for other Students: Always be up to trying new classes that are not required by your major.
Biography Name: Patrick Fay Year: Freshman Major: Electrical Engineering What I learned in this course: I learned the basics of coding. UF Plans and Goals: Get a degree in Electrical Engineering Career Plans and Goals: Get a job. Advice for other Students: Don’t be afraid to explore new interests.
Biography Name: Hugo Dameme Year: Freshman Major: Undecided Engineering What I learned in this course: How complicated robots can be, and that I probably want to do ECE UF Plans and Goals: Graduate, then we’ll see Career Plans and Goals:ECE Advice for other Students:don’t try anything too complicated with ECE Adventure’s robots, they’re too simple. Keep it simple stupid.
Biography Name: Chastity Trythall Year: Freshman Major: Exploratory What I learned in this course: How autonomous robots work and how to code them. UF Plans and Goals: I would like to be a biomedical engineer. If not I’ll study biology and come back for a biomed degree. Career Plans and Goals: I’m still unsure about everything, but I’m willing to try for anything. Advice for other Students: If something seems interesting, go for it.
The Life of a Robot Our robot is a prototype model of the R2 series of droids. This is its first test run to see its handling capabilities.
Conclusion Even though we had a few hiccups here and there with coding our robot, we were able to have it preform its task and we learned a lot in the process.