Persuasive Essay Group Essay Project CCRS: W.9-10.1; W.9-10.4; W.9-10.5; W.9-10.6; W.9-10.7; W.9-10.8; W.9-10.10; L.9-10.1; L.9-10.2; L.9-10.3; L.9-10.4 Writing Skills – Writing a persuasive essay. Consider purpose, audience, and tone
Group Essay Project Working with your group, select a topic for a persuasive essay. Your topic should be related to some aspect of school. (ex. uniforms, dress code, sports participation rules, etc.) Your essay should rely heavily on logical appeals. You may include some emotional appeal, but make sure you focus on supported facts. You may use the Internet to research your topic; however, make sure you give credit in your essay to your source. Use parenthetical citations.
Group Essay Project If you choose to interview experts on your topic, make sure you establish their credentials in your paper. For example, if you choose a football related topic and interview Coach Tinker about the rules, make sure you state his years of coaching experience that make him an expert. Your essay should have at least three well-developed points. I suggest assigning one point or the intro/conclusion to each group member. Remember that all group members must participate in the writing process. Your grade depends on it! Type your essay following the essay handout you received earlier in the semester. Make sure you run spelling and grammar check. Proofread your essay. All group members are responsible for errors.