Health Education & Promotion Internships: Frequently Asked Questions
HEP Internship Coordinator Dr. Caile E. Spear Email-include internship in subject line Phone 208-426-3656 Cell 208-345-8511
What is an Internship? Why do it? A chance to “try out” work options and settings A chance to network in the community where many of you will seek employment A chance to meld “theory” with “practice”
To Pursue an Internship: You must meet the following criteria: KINES 493-Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and completion of KINES 342 Health Methods KINES 293 -Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and is for students without KINES 342
How Do I Find Internship Site? Think carefully about what you want to do Update your resume: include career goals, academic background, work experience, and references Start making phone calls and visiting places that might offer the type of experience you are seeking (YOU initiate contacts) Check BroncoJobs on the Career Center website (
Informational Interviews Can be a great way to talk to people and see if you want to intern at their site. This link has good tips for informational interviews
Before You Get Started… Go to the Career Center website and read the “Frequently Asked Questions.” Read this and take it to your prospective internship supervisors One (1) credit hour = forty five (45) hours of internship 8 credits of internship = 360 hours of work Don’t underestimate the time it will take you to complete these hours Pay attention to DEADLINES (Check Career Center & Registrar!!!)
Complete a Background Check All Kinesiology students completing an internship must pass a background check prior to registering for an internship Cost ~$65 dollars Takes 7-10 working days to complete
Once You Decide on a Site… Dr. Spear, site supervisor and you meet to discuss your internship (BEFORE you register on Career Center website) After meeting, complete the registration process online (Career Center website— “Internship Application for Internship Credit”) WEBLINK: Click on the link for Internship Application for Academic Credit Log on using your BRONCOWEB login ID and password
Once You Decide on a Site (Cont’d.) Your online application goes to your internship coordinator once you submit it I look it over and approve or disapprove it My approval email pending your site supervisor’s authorization comes back to you Your site supervisor then gets an email to authorize your internship and you get a final approval email At this point, your internship application gets sent to the Registrar’s office and your internship will show up on your Broncoweb in 1-2 weeks
Once You Decide (Cont’.d) No internship credit can be given AFTER you complete the work—YOU MUST DO YOUR INTERNSHIP WORK AFTER YOU REGISTER Once registered for Internship Credit, you are automatically covered by third party liability insurance provided by the state of Idaho at no extra cost to you This is NOT health insurance—it is liability insurance to protect you and your worksite
Early in Your Internship Experience Work with your site supervisor to develop your work plan for the internship What do YOU want to get out of it? What does your SITE SUPERVISOR need from you? Work plan is Word Google Doc share with me Include your name, site, internship title and semester Update it each month prior to class internship meetings
Work Plan Option #1 Goal: What is your goal for this internship? What will be different after you are done? Objectives: Objectives are the steps you take to achieve the goal ( You can have multiple objectives) Activities Responsible Person Time Period Outcome/Result Progress/Achievement
Work Plan Option#2 Goal: What is your goal for this internship? What will be different after you are done? Objectives: Objectives are the steps you take to achieve the goal ( You can have multiple objectives) Action Steps(WHAT) will you do? Responsible Person(s) (WHO) will do it? Due Date (WHEN) will it be done? Impact or Difference (WHY) are you doing it? Measurable Indicator (HOW) will you demonstrate that it is done? (Tangible evidence) Actual Date Completed
Create a Time Log Create a Time Log and track your hours. Create a Google Doc Excel spreadsheet-share with this with your site supervisor and me Document Title includes your name, site, term, “time log” Column headings Date, Duties/Tasks, Time Worked, Hours Completed, Comments The log should contain all of the dates, times, hours and a sentence or two about what you did throughout your internship. Include a running total of hours completed to date
Intern-Site-Term-Time Log Date Duties/Tasks Time Worked Hours Completed Comments Running total of hours
Within the first 2 weeks of your internship, you must do the following: Complete the ONLINE INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP during the semester in which you are completing the internship. It is available on the Career Center site where you applied for your internship. Log on using your BRONCOWEB login ID and password Take the quiz WHY? Liability protection!!!! Submit work plan and time log
Regular Internship meetings Meet with Dr. Spear Summer set up individual times Fall and Spring we will set a regular monthly meetings The monthly meetings will have assignments due.
To receive internship credit: NO LATER THAN the week before end of classes: Complete final LOG OF HOURS WORKED with hours you served, dates/times, and what you did (EXCEL spreadsheets work very well for this) Site supervisor completed Mid-term and Final evaluation Shared their evaluation with you. You can also request a letter of reference in addition to evaluations. Final Work Plan You WILL receive a grade of “incomplete” for failing to complete any of the required steps
Internship is like a job Site is checking you out Work conscientiously under the direction of your supervisor Comply with rules of confidentiality of the organization Report problems to me Complete the requirements from previous slides KEEP BSU Health Insurance (at a minimum)
FINALLY…. Clear communication with your supervisors is key. ASK Questions. If you have any problems AT ALL, please feel free to contact me BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME: Email, phone, 208-426-3656(w) I am always glad to be involved. Keep notes of any interactions (e.g., your expectations, their expectations, your perception of the problem versus their perception, etc.)