Human Wellbeing Index
Task Open the wellbeing indicators task
Question 1 Select 10 individual indicators that could be used to measure wellbeing in a country. Fill these into the table below.
Question 2 Outline each indicator and explain how it is a measure of human wellbeing.
Question 3 Draw up a table and collect the data for each country, including Australia and India. You must cite the source of your statistics.
Question 4 Evaluate the importance of each indicator in determining human wellbeing and decide on the weighting that each indicator will be given in calculating the index.
Question 5 Study the data you have collected. Put your countries in order from highest wellbeing to lowest wellbeing. Create a table to show your new rankings. Country Ranking Australia 1 UK 2 India 3
Question 6 Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your index. Could you improve it in any way?
Question 7 Create a map to creatively and imaginatively display your wellbeing index.